
Topic suggested by Ramki on Fri Jan 22 14:59:36 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I've been without you for few months now
Living my life,moving past you.

But here i stand at our door way
looking into the room you no longer live in.
Kisses,fightss,long talks,back massages,tears,laughter
all of these come rushing over me at once.
Overwhelming me with their clarity and depth.
I can still hear your voice in my head,despite our lack of
Bits of conversations that we once had seep into my mind.
As the daypasses and innocent things trigger such rememberances
I no longer associate every song i hear to you,
this has to be a start of something...of moving on.

I guess this is where i start forming my own memories
as opposed to ours.
Life seems new now,especially myself.
I lost a sense of peace i once had.
Now i find myself not trusting others,
questioning myself.
It all ended so badly with us.
You made me question everything i was and i believed in
This time apart has served a purpose though
You thought i was less than nothing, probably still do
And for a time i wondered if you were right.
But I've looked hard at myself and found a kind,caring,loving,good
intentioned,sad,silly,fearful,yearning,cautious and gentle human being.
How can i be all of these and still be less than nothing?
You were wrong about me,I'm more that what you think im and what i thought i was.
Im more than that.
Im more than youll ever know
Im more than what you failed to know
Its time to shut the door to the part of my past where you live.
Its time to open new doors.....


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