Nilaak kAdhal - Part III
Topic suggested by Babu on Fri Feb 19 18:00:14 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
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- From: Ramki (@
on: Fri Feb 19 18:32:15
Babu interestinga poradhu kadhai. But Ezhil comes out so easily to Nandhini.This is a bit unrealistic.After reading the first three parts i feel that Ezhil, has not come out to himself completely. At this dilemmatic stage i dont think a normal gay man will have the guts to come out to
his friends girl friend.
But i like the arguments he has with Nandhini
about family planning.
- From: babu (@
on: Fri Feb 19 21:22:58
Thanks for your opinion about the story.
But what you say about ezhil's coming out to Nandhini is not true, IMO. It is realistic, considering the fact that ezhil always had an inkling of doubt that nandhini does not really like his relationship with Parthi and that he feels guilty about it and wants to get over it.
- From: Ramki (@
on: Fri Feb 19 23:19:04
Mmmmm Babu i cant agree with you. The last thing a man can admit is his sexuality(IMO). Especially Indian men are too secretive about this-as far as i know. The first 3 part of your story doesnt show any form of 'relationship'between parth and Ezhil. It is more a one side relationship. As far as parth is concerned he enjoys his friendship with Ezhil.But a normal guy might not feel comfortable to be kissed by another male-Here parth seems to be so much used to such fondlings by ezhil-maybe you are going to reveal another side of parth-i dont know.
Let me wait for your part 4
- From: Babu (@
on: Fri Feb 19 23:48:20
Ramki, I dont understand what you trying to say.
Anyway, let me make it clear. By 'relationship' I did not mean an 'affair' or something like that. Friendship is also a 'relationship' isn't it ? I guess that relationship - excessively sentimental friendship - between parth and ezhil has been portrayed in the first three parts and this is what irks Nadhini all along.
I am sure Indian men are too secretive about their sexuality - which actually made me write this story, I will tell the story behind this story in the end. I am not sure if all straight men will feel uncomfortable kissed by another man.Actually, IMO, it depends on how the relationship between them is. Since they are pretty close friends, parth does not feel uncomfortable being kissed and IMO its quite natural.
- From: Ramki (@
on: Sat Feb 20 00:06:02
Babu sorry i didnt mean to be rude:). I really enjoy your story and im happy it makes me think on matters which normally i wouldnt have.
The only thing that intrigues me is Ezhil coming out to Nandhini just like that. Ezhil might lose
Parth completely if Nandhini reveals the truth to Parth. parth might even feel'used'by Ezhil. This will spoil their whole friendship. Maybe the love for parth makes ezhil do this-i dont know.
Mmm enakku romba avasaram. Mudivu padikkamae i shouldnt come to conclusions
Believe me or not i had just completed a story on a similar theme,but now im wondering to post it or not :)
- From: babu (@
on: Sat Feb 20 11:36:11
You are of course not rude Ramki, I enjoy such discussions.
There you get it, it is the love for parth that makes ezhil do what he is doing. And I am happy too that you are thinking about things 'you normally would not have'. That was the story's intention btw :-))))
Part 4 paaththeengala ?
- From: suriya (@
on: Wed Oct 20 10:57:10
how to view this thread in tamil
pl help
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