Topic started by Scottie (@ on Tue Mar 26 20:24:19 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
What are the odds? Do I believe in fate? Is it all a set up? At the moment I’ve been living out a joke with Deb about one of our lives being the subject of a TV show, like the Truman show. It’s not real…… Obviously life is real, but it does throw up, from time to time little coincidences that make you think otherwise.
My particular example happened not 4 hours ago. But first I’ve to set the scene. My name’s Ian and I’ve been seeing my girlfriend, Deb, for just over a year. The state and circumstances of our relationship aren’t the subject of this piece other than the adverse effect an old university friend of mine has on them. Her name (and it had to be a her eh?) is Ang. At one point during my lonely singleship I was infatuated with her. I now realise it was only because she was the only woman who actually paid me any attention, although it was never of the sexual nature. Hmm that makes this sound more like an American chatshow revelation than I’d intended. But anyhow this has been the subject of a little tension between Deb and I. I’ll just state here for the record that I’m completely and utterly In Love with Deb. More than a former cynic like myself even likes to admit. But anyway on with the tale.
It’s a simple list of things that happened tonight really, but in my mind it springs upon us a question of are we really the masters of our own destiny. I’ll set the scene.
Deb works shifts as do I. This has lead to, in our modern world, our own way of communicating through email at all hours. We’ve both email addresses at home and at work, which means we can have conversations anytime really. Even though we might not be able to see each other or have the opportunity to make a phone call. Hey all it takes is a three-word email and everybody’s happy! It’s got to the point of being so familiar, this electronic messaging, that we use it even when we could talk on the phone! I hope this shows how we work. It may seem odd to you but, hey, it works for us.
Now I live pretty close by to Ang, the old university friend, and occasionally used to go out for a drink with her. But to be honest with you I pretty much stopped meeting her when it became clear to me that Deb wasn’t happy with this situation. Subsequently I’ve exchanged Text messages with Ang but not actually seen her. However my Mum (who knows Ang) doesn’t know this.
This weekend Deb and I went to the wedding of an old friend of mine in my old hometown. When we were at my parent’s house my Mum asked if I’d seen Ang lately. This, unfortunately, set off Deb’s jealous side. I answered, truthfully, that I hadn’t seen Ang for ages. And so the wedding went off with us both in a state of semi argument. No words were exchanged but we both know why there was an air of tension. It was purely because the never mentioned subject of Ang was broached. Perhaps if we were on Jerry Springer we’d be told that the subject should be opened up to hours of scrutinizing by us as a couple, but neither of us would be comfortable with that. Luckily though by the following evening everything was back to normal.
This evening Deb and I were making plans via email to meet up tomorrow evening after she’d finished work. Deb sent me an email saying “Tomorrow would be great, unless you get a better offer from someone. Ie someone you’ve not seen for ages.” The exact same words I’d used about Ang only the other day. Now I’d put this down to a little jibe, to be taken in my stride, had it not been for the fact that at the exact same time the email arrived I also received a text message from Ang asking if I was doing anything the following evening.
Now this brings me to my point. In a Hollywood film this would be the make or break scene for a love interest to choose. I already knew. There was no choice to make. I’d meet up with Deb. I’d have met up with Deb if it had meant swimming through lava for God’s sake. But believing in fate I have to ask the question. Where did the synchronicity come from to make these messages appear at the same time?
Is there, do you think, a force leading us to a predetermined destiny? Do we just bandy about life with no purpose, and stuff just happens? Or, more sinister, are there two opposing forces? One trying to force an opening, however small, between couples (I assume this is the evil one) and one trying to bring them together. If so do these forces also play a part in other aspect of our life? Do we, at every crossroads in our life, have a black and white decision? It’s the question that’s been plaguing Man since time memorable and I’m in no position to answer it here. Just re-posing the question!
- From: fridge (@
on: Thu Mar 28 07:42:48
To brush synchronicities away as mere coincidences is I guess easier.
I used to wake from sleep about 30seconds before my alarm went off, Initialy I thought I had maybe pressed the snooze button in my sleep, but Looking at the time I could not have done that. That happens for a while and then stops, it does not happen anymore(now I never hear the alarm)
I think that awaking 30secs before the alarm was a sign of the body's conditioning process after being used to the alarm. Maybe the sound of the alarm causes stress to the mind and body during sleep and the body .
I have had instances where I would out of the blue remember to phone someone and on reaching for the phone it would always ring and there they were, here I put it down to getting very used to a person and sort of developing a really good rapport that you become similar in thoughts and timing.
Some cultures are so superstitous regarding syncronicities that it virtually runs their lives, people live for signs and confirmations before taking the next step. Why are we like that, I guess maybe a belief in the excistance of God. Even the bible displays a lot of signs, E.G. Moses and the burning bush.
Man always doubts his abilities and common sense, he is always looking for approval from another source preferably a higher source, given all the sound reasoning and structure around us there is a romantic side that leaves stuff to chance. The film industries appeals to that human side of us when syncronicities are used in movies, always does the trick though, don't you think.
Read the following link, Jung describes it as "a meaningfull co-incidence."
Found in the same site I found this phrase, I do not know whether I beleive in it but nevertherless it is heartwarming .
"Synchronicities hint that beyond our habitual distinctions
between matter and mind lies a higher synthesis"
Good luck to you and Deb,
- From: fridge (@
on: Thu Mar 28 07:47:17
This is an interesting thread and makes for good discussion, But I think it belongs in The miscellaneous section. Please ask the administrators if it can be moved there.
- From: donna (@
on: Mon Apr 1 12:03:24
well, this is a very interesting subject indeed!!! I think many of us could share similar stories of synchronicity here! in huna, the religion of the ancient hawaiians, it is believed that you form an attachment to all you meet, it is an invisible thread of a substance called "aka" which comes out of your solar plexus. the more time you spend with a person, the more you get to know them, the thicker this thread becomes. i have had a very recent example of becoming very close to someone i know only through email! a recent example is i woke up in the middle of the night, thought of this person, who lives in india, looked at my clock in NY and saw that it was 2:22. i came to work the next day to find an email from my friend that arrived in my mailbox at 2:22.
goethe, believe it or not, has always had some sort of presence in my life and i have had many strange coincidences regarding goethe and his faust. a recent example was that i was at a bed and breakfast in canada, i noticed a mask of a bear, walked over and looked at it. the owner said, "there is something written inside", it was a quote from faust. one day i noticed faust's name carved on the library where i work, with other writers. i came into work, after about an hour one of the librarians came out with a folder and said, "would you like to see a picture of a statue?" it was a bust of goethe, it is also in the park that is a five minute walk from my house.
Scottie, they say everything happens for a reason. i hope others come and post examples. it is nice to know that i am not the only one who will suddenly stop and say, "why did that happen?"
- From: Shakthi (@
on: Tue Apr 2 12:29:19
Debatable topic, with things beyond our explanations.
I am very sure most of us do come across a lot of such incidents meanings of which is a puzzle. I believe, any contact with individuals for a longer period of time, has some logic of soul-connections ( for ppl who believe in reincarnations, rebirths and the like)
Intuition? Esp? Coincidence? whatever name we give, its comprehension is beyond human beings.
I happen to have a friend of mine, (say Sharadha) who had close friendship with 2 of her male colleagues. (say x and y) All 3 were good friends. One fineday she had 2 proposals from both x and y separately. She was too confused, as she liked both of them and did not want to loose the friendship of either.
After some days of continued silence, she went to the temple, just to pray for peace, to help her choosing the right person, or just give a hint as to the right choice.
(I know most of them would think this silly, but believe it or not)
Soon as she came out from the temple, there were 2 auto richshaws waiting, each having verses written on it as below:
I will always love you,
I will always love you,
She was utterly perplexed, dumb found, & stunned. The later part of the story goes that she chose neither of them, but married a different person, even now both x and y remain her good friends. She is having a happy married life too.
To reach the destination, at every phase or part of life, we have different routes, opening simultaneously. To choose or not to choose any of them IS IN OUR HANDS. The probability or permutations combinations of choosing any route or routes entirely depends on us.
Hence I always believe, that past can be read, by any jothishi or palm readers, but FUTURE IS IN OUR HANDS. We change the future, based on our decisions, thinking and choices.
"In huna, the religion of the ancient hawaiians, it is believed that you form an attachment to all you meet, it is an invisible thread of a substance called "aka" which comes out of your solar plexus. the more time you spend with a person, the more you get to know them, the thicker this thread becomes"<<<<
Very Interesting!! Do you know more? Please share.
- From: donna (@
on: Tue Apr 2 14:59:35
Hi, Shakthi,
Yes, I know quite a bit about Huna, what would you like to know? I have even done a meditation to sever this cord with a specific person when things went really wrong. They also say messages can travel along this cord. Really advanced Huna practicioners could do something called "putting out a finger" (yes, I know, not that finger!!) where they would meditate very, very deeply and send out a thread of aka to a specific destination to gather information. Working with aka is not that difficult. There is one technique I have used when walking up hills. You can visualize the aka going out and attaching itself to a tree at the top of the hill and use it to pull yourself up, you almost feel like you are floating. But I don't want to pull this thread into a different direction. Maybe we could hop over to the Occult/Metaphysical thread that i ahve been tring to re-activate for months.
- From: donna (@
on: Tue Apr 2 15:01:28
Your story about x and y is completely amazing.
- From: donna (@
on: Tue Apr 2 15:08:31
ooops! the occult/metaphysical thread is under miscellaneous. sorry!
- From: Shakthi (@
on: Fri Apr 12 06:37:50
The info on Huna is interesting.
Your story about x and y is completely amazing."<<<
Yeah but true! :-)
ooops! the occult/metaphysical thread is under miscellaneous. sorry!"<<<
I would love if its re-activated.
- From: donna (@
on: Fri Apr 12 08:45:28
We could try to reactivate it, if you want to.
- From: Julie (@
on: Wed Dec 29 22:46:23
There is someone in my life that I will one day see. I have been waiting. It must happen. I believe it will. For I need someone perfectly balanced. 2-5-52 is his birthday. Synchronicity would see 25 52 like two book holders holding my life together.
- From: manisha (@
on: Wed Jan 5 01:38:18 EST 2005
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