ethani Urkal, ethanai uyirkaL! - part II (vAsan)
Topic started by Sridharan SI on Tue Aug 24 21:19:03 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
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copyright 1999 Sridharan SI
- From: bb (@
on: Wed Aug 25 10:30:13
vasan, a good theme, though one could predict this at the end of the first episode itself:-) i guess in real life, such an incident happened in andhra some years back.
- From: ravi SUNdaram (@
on: Wed Aug 25 12:14:43
œÌãÀ‘î µ€¥, Ì‘ÚÅ —°äבÚÅ …èã³. —œ‘ííéÅ ˆ³ÁÖ€Ò. בⴳ™è.
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- From: v (@
on: Fri Aug 27 14:11:06
Good one vasan.
sun: ungal maanavi tharaennu sonnadhu theLuvaa kaL-aa?? theLuvu is common in some villages. btw, endha oorla idhu?? Is it a village??
- From: vAsan (@
on: Fri Aug 27 19:16:56
Thanks. You're right. Something like this did
happen in a village in AP.
ungal vimarsanaththukky mikka nanRi. vidai
eppadiyO enpathuthan enakkum theriyalE.
Thank you for your encouragement.
- From: vAsan (@
on: Fri Aug 27 19:20:26
bb and v:
Thanks for your kind words.
bb is right: something like this did happen in a
village in AP.
ungal nalla vimarsanaththukku mikka nanRi. ithaRku
vidai kudikkum makkaLidamthAn! ezhuthALarkaL enna
meedum nanRi
- From: ravi SUNdaram (@
on: Sun Aug 29 15:07:15
V: It was definitely kaLLu. The unfermented sap of palmirah and coconut palms is called "padhanIr" and is a nonalcoholic drink, though I've never tasted it. I dont know if "theLLu" is the same thing. She definitely meant kaLLu, she said something like, "I have some kaLLu here, my folks asked me to offer you some and then deliver the rest to my uncle's home". When I expressed surprise at such unusual gift (I routinely used to take sweets and snacks from my students), she made distinguished kaLLu (good) from saaraayam (bad).
Something like "drinking a couple of glasses of kaLLu and sleeping it off would never hurt anyone".
Tharamani (yup bb tharaams-E thaan) is the village right behind IIT madras where NSS volunteers would take special classes
for std VI to X. That is where it happened. I dont know if they still do.
The root cause is the kind of hopelessness of their situation. I believe only when they see a few families give up drining, better themselves and live visibly well and it becomes very obvious that their relative comfort is essentially the money saved and other benefits of not drinking, then and only then, we will see a lot of people reforming themselves. But in toady's India they odds are stacked so much against them, it is very unlikely that merely abstaining will confer upon a family enough of an advantage to be successful.
It is not as simple as alcoholism is the symptom of the underlying disease, the poverty. More like poverty is like AIDS sapping the poor of their strength, setting stage for diseases like alcoholism, gambling etc to set in and ravage them.
Solution would be education and creation of economic opp. and it might take decades and tons
of money.
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