Lonely in the crowd

Topic started by VK (@ on Thu Jan 24 19:37:11 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Lonely in the crowd

The land of opportunity. America. New York City. The world’s greatest city.
Those huge sky scrapers, the pretty women and the even prettier cars. The people who make decisions affecting the lives of people all over the world, the crowds, and the beautiful roads. ahhh its heaven on earth.

Those words are music to the ears of Indians dreaming about making it big in the USA…
So many of us aspire to be there, and to do ‘it’.

Even I descended with the same hopes. Arrived unfortunately after the WTC Plane crash...
Like all the others before me, even I went through the long ordeal of getting a visa, the day I got it, I felt like a Man on the Moon.
Came here to succeed, make money. Money, a relative term, we do not know how much is enough. We could be successful back home too, but it might take a long time to be really rich, so we come here, or some of us go to countries where their currency value is much higher than ours.

There are so many people In New York, people from all over the world, walking, talking, running into the subway to board trains which will take them into another equally crowded place.
Everyone has a destination.
Nobody says anything to us, nobody does anything to us, but still we feel lonely in the crowd now...
At least I feel lonely in the crowd. Is this my destination?

We get up, go to work, come back home, cook and go to sleep. Where is the life we had back home?
aahh! What I would give to have the rice, rasam and chicken curry my mom makes...
We leave everything, friends, parents, and the loved ones...and come here to make money, in terms of rupees.

We don't make much in terms of dollars, only when it is converted, does it look like a lot for us.
All of us don't have great jobs, but we still hang on...will hang on. For the lure of money is more than the pain of leaving behind your loved ones...

Lay offs? We’ll still hang on. Bad economy? We’ll still hang on. We’ll hang on forever I guess...
We see so many Indians making ends meet with small jobs, well educated Indians working in places they wouldn't even dream about back home...
Why? What for?
Success back home is valued in terms of the money we have, when we return....

Does it matter? Yes it does, I wouldn't be here otherwise...


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