The Diamond Ring: Part 2

Topic started by Jaya (@ on Sun Jul 11 09:43:17 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

FOUR YEARS AGO in a noisy train station......

"Hurry up Raji," shouted Maya as she hurried down the stairs towards the platform. The train pulled away from the station. "Dammit," she swore. "Sorry acca," puffed Raji as she joined her. The next train wasn't due for another ten minutes and the platform was crowded.
"My God now what?" said an annoyed Maya.
Just then she felt a rather heavy briefcase slam into her left thigh. "Oh I'm so sorry," she heard the concerned voice and looked up from her crouched position, bent in pain. The young man kindly helped her up. He was rather good looking and had the most striking hazel eyes."No serious damage I hope?" he asked. "No, not at all," she smiled. He smiled back. "Er hem," coughed Raji,"Acca, our train."
The sisters made their way towards the train. "Excuse me," heard Maya, she turned around. It was the handsome young man. "What did you say your name was again?" he shouted above the din of the crowd. "Maya," she shouted back. "Mayu?" he called back in confirmation. "No, Maya," she replied. "Ah Maya! I have a feeling we will meet again. Have a safe journey!" The train doors shut as it hurtled away from the platform into the distance........

"That was our first meeting," said Raju. The storm was in it's calm period now. Maya swirled her coffee in it's paper cup, thoughtfully. "How did you know we'd meet again?" she asked. "Because I knew," he said simply......

Four days after the incident with the young man in the train station, Maya was browsing in a bookshop. She had kept an eye out for him at the station but had thus far not seen him again. Abandoning the new releases she made her way to the classics section and picked up her old favourite, Pride & Prejudice. She had read it at least ten times but it would do and she made her way towards the counter. Once outside she looked up and saw it was overcast. It was going to rain and she had no umbrella.
Hardly had she taken two steps when the heavens burst. She waited for the first drops to hit her but felt none and looked up. Above her was an umbrella and a familiar face. "I don't think your parents will be happy if you came up with a fever tomorrow for the sake of a book," he said indicating at her bag.
She stared at him for a second and then recognized him as the young man from the station!"I'll walk you to the nearest bus stop," he said. She thanked him and they made their way. The bus pulled up after a while, during which time each remained silent. As she boarded the bus he called out," Wait, take this." He held out the umbrella to her,"So that you don't get wet on your way home." "Then what about you?" she asked. "Don't worry about me, take it." Reluctantly she accepted the umbrella.
Later when she arrived at home,she once again examined the umbrella. On the handle was inscribed a name.It read: Raju................

To be continued.......


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