Topic started by Anu (@ 95.piscataway-08rh15rt.nj.dial-access.att.net) on Thu Mar 21 15:55:36 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi All,
I've been visiting this site often.And I got so many answers for my questions that was in my mind,thro your chat...
Now I was wondering if there is anyone who could help me to cook Puttu using cracked wheat.My aunt in India used to cook that....
- From: Rajasree Sanjay (@ a0ig41tiy19j4.ab.hsia.telus.net)
on: Sat Aug 24 00:55:13
Hi Anu,
By crakced wheat, i suppose u mean chapaati flour.. If so, I could help u out...Take chappati atta, mix it with 1-2 tbsp oil (refined oil), mix it properly. then sprinkle water and mix in the same way as we do with rice flour....I mean to say is when we take a handful of the mixture, it should not break....nor stick our hands....Then in the puttu maker, add coconut and the above atta mixture and proceed in the same way as we make rice puttu....Only thing is cooking time for this is more....say 5 minutes extra than the rice puttu....Hope u got it.....
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