Question to Mr.Hemant..

Topic started by R (@ on Tue Dec 24 08:23:31 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.


I saw ur old thread about making Deccan/Muslim Briyani. I live in NJ and yesterday, we went to a restaurant which is a Hyderabadi Deccan.

They had a vegetable briyani which is so colorful and had the vegetables like boiled carrot and tomato(round slices) and also plantain!! It is not in pieces, they addded half of the plantain directly. Forgot the name, but it started with T, can u pls tell me what it could be and send the recipe for it?? It was so unique and never tasted like that.

One more clarification-for double ka meeta, which is a traditional one? bread soaked in milk directly, or should we fry in ghee?

I saw in so many sites and tried by frying it in ghee, but in hyderabad restaurtants, it was mentioned that simply bread soaked in milk. Even, my hyderabdi friend did the same. So, which is a traditional way of making??

Thanks a lot for sharing ur time..


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