Lifeless existence!

Topic started by Shakthi (@ on Thu Aug 28 01:09:06 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Maze of unanswered questions,
assumptions, evaluations..
clogged mind..

Was I mistaken
Were u mistaken?
What went wrong?
Wasit wrong?

searching the answers,
amidst polluted surroudings,
biased opinions..

I may never find the answer
Questions never cease to exist
paranoid of the future
I lay, closed in dark cubicle,
depressed, lifeless,
to be lit by a ray of hope

To be cherished, kissed
shine as a queen
in the kingdom of praise

In dreams I live, laugh
I exhaust my existence,
mingle, merge and collapse.

Thoughts dwindling as pointless nothing
to become pointless nothing!



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