Topic started by Musegal (@ on Sat Feb 9 19:20:55 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Borrowing RR's borrowing of Balaji's definition of haikus!:
" a haiku is a japanese haiku which has 3 lines, and 5 - 7 - 5 syllables, and with a season word and a cutting word. but, HAIKU, outside japan, the categorization is not so strict. it is supposed to contain 3 lines and should be as short as possible. it should be about nature, and *can* have a season word, that too is not essential. in canada, for example, they try to force haiku into the 5-7-5 formula."
for more information on haiku, see here:
I'm restarting this thread since haikus happen to be one of my favourite forms of poetry! Their length restraint forces the thought into a conciseness and clarity that the diffuseness of larger poems can often indulge into verbosity! but that's my opinion... but hey try them for yourself and tell me what you think!