Check this out........Space.

Topic started by Thaya. (@ on Mon Apr 29 14:48:47 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

hey guys,

There are two wiered stars discovered in deep space,and they are wired because
1) one is too small.
2)second is too cold for a star.

1.....The too small one.

genarally stars are huuuuuuge.just like our sun.and our sun is relatively small among other stars.anyway...
This small star is small because,It's not made by adoms.
adom....made by electons,nutrons etc.with alots and lots of space,in an adom almost 99 persent is empty.
This so called "too small" star made by Nutron only!!!!!
It's amazing and I don't know how physics works there.anyway.....because 99 persent of an adom is empty,when you have a tea spoon of nutron only or a teaspoon of the "too small" weighs....are you ready???

a teaspoon full of this star weighs "A Billion Tons"
A Billion Tons equel to,all the motorized vehicles in the entire world.

2.....The too cold star.

as far as i know,every star dies.andI can not remember the name when that happenes.
however....when it runs outta fuel(the nuclear reaction) it doeasn't excist.
but this one still is.thats why it's wired.don't know much more about that.if anyone knows please continue.......

BTW,Thinker....remember the "Planet X"?

check this website.



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