Madhuris new theory

Topic started by so SO SCARED (@ on Sat Oct 4 16:15:54 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

From an invasion from nowhere to an arrival.....
what next? The fact you have changed this imaginary theory so much proves your desperation attempts to keep this racist theory alive even though you have been refuted and unable to answer not EVEN one of my questions..........

I never claimed to be a scholar and you are jealous about the Vimaanika Shastra which produced a plane 10 years before the Wright brothers.............and reached 1500ft.

Tal-Mudra IS a SANSKRIT word if you bothered to check..........

Ganesh and others being found in Mexico and Mayan structures is all a mere hallucination caused by mass hysteria...........

Israel and the Middle-East ALL being influenced by our shastras and CHAKRAS is all caused by a miracle...........

You idiot!!!

Look how DESPERATE you sound.....

now you have the audacity to suggest it was an ARRIVAL of ARYANS that influenced ARYA-VARTHA???

My mother and father ARRIVED in the UK BUT does that mean we influnced their CHURCHES in the 16th Century?!!!

Of course not and people would laugh at such a suggestion just like we are all laughing at you Miss Madhuri........

please try harder and get past the stage of puberty mentally and THEN try and insult me, but until then play with a courgette to replace you non-existent DUNDA........

in case you haven't noticed, i CAN'T be bothered with barking DUNDA-less dogs like you........

i'm finished with mocking you and you lost loud and klear in front of everyone.........

not one question answered..........


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