ManuSmrithi by Manu

Topic started by Munna (@ on Fri Oct 20 16:20:16 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I got a chance to go through ManuSmrithi(a translation) couple of days ago.

Manu is supposedly a king. but his work seems to be totally supportive of another varna. From the punishments given for rapists to murders, everything was decided based on varna and caste rather than the incident itself. I do have some questions. if some one can answer, it would be great.

1) was he really a king? if he were, why did he showed so much support for another varna rather than his own?

2) His work also mentions the kinds of meat ANYONE can eat and the types of meat that should not be eaten. Also specifies that a particular varna people should not eat garlic and some other stuff. I know some people who dont eat garlic and the other prohibted food stuff.
Do vedas say anything about what one can eat and cannot?

3) IMO,if Manu did rule according to these rules, he could not have been a good ruler. Has there been any evidence to such a person in history?
What would be his time period?

4) A friend of mine mentioned that "Artha Sasthram" by Koudilyar (Chanakya) is much worse. Is that true?

5) ManuSmrithi also mentions in many places about eating the meat of an animal slaughtered as sacrifice. Do Vedas have any references/explanations for this activity?

6) Is it Buddha who stopped these sacrifices by his principle of "ashimsa"? Was it true that in reply the Hindus also started practicing "ahimsa" ? and included Buddha as one of the reincarnations of Lord Vishnu?



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