Condemning USA

Topic started by abc (@ on Mon Oct 15 01:45:44 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

With the US retaliation against Afghanistan for sheltering terrorists, Muslims and Mullas all over the world are calling for jehad against India, US and Israel.No Muslim( other than those in US- after all tehy are scared of American retaliation) is condemning Taleban nor Islamization of terrorism. As I said earlier, an attack on a terrorist who happens to be a Muslim becomes a war against Islam but a war from them is not considered a war from Islam.
Muslims are calling US a terrorist country for paying back Afghanistan in the same coin. Why didnt you Muslims restrain them befor they bombed US, India?
Why dont you condemn the following and ensure that your fellow Muslims dont repeat it ?
If Muslims cant coexist with others(proved throughout history and geography), let them stick to their Arab land.
Jinnah said in 1947 while calling for Direct Action Day(that decimated thousands of Hindus in Calcutta- not to speak of Muslim majority East Bengal)that "if not divided India, lets destroy India" ... this shows how much love majority Muslims have for India- that bred them so long. This reminds of a story wherein two mothers fight for teh ownership of a child claimed by both. The judge say- cut the child into half. The imposter mother agrees while the true mother agrees to forgo the child.
When will Indians learn from history? Hinduism and Hindus believe in Universal acceptance while Islam thrives on violence, provocation and subjugation.


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