Dravidian Brahmin hate ! Why is this so ?
Topic started by Gupta Paan (@ adsl-63-198-201-93.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) on Mon Aug 12 15:12:57 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Why such animosity and distrust ?
- Old responses
- From: Valavan/Krishna .. (@ core-proxy2.octa4.net.au)
on: Sun Sep 22 23:00:22
HI Ashok,
I thought you changed as you claimed to MMC in another thread.. you never can...I cnnot stoop down... cu
- From: Indian (@ webserver2.uea.ac.uk)
on: Mon Sep 23 07:05:53
>> Cunning is a moral or ethical issues... Only morally corrupt and intelluctually half-baked people will be cunning ..not really strong intelluctauls....with morality and wisdom.. <<
Where did you learn this language semantics from ?
>> Its avialble in Ministry of Rural Development Govt of India ...Under the Poverty Alleviation pages...heaps of them are available...pls read. <<
Thats exactly what i've said. The same report. If you dont know please get one from them.
>> It is not a simple question but a simple escapism from the atrocities committd on humanity or a diversionary tactics of infedels... Anyhow what you say also endorses indirectly .. yes they practiced.. why others have not prevented... thats what happened over the last 50 years.. <<
Why others havent prevented? The question is not reform but a jealous attitude. A hatred desire which wants to destroy the culture whole together.
It is not at all anti-brahminism or pro-reformation. It is anti-hindu inturn its anti-indian. Which you are exactly showing!!
PS:: I am not pointing against naicker but against you.
- From: somberi (@
on: Mon Nov 11 12:51:01
Pongada venna
- From: Gregory Puckett (@ inecce-pxy04.zcce.compaq.com)
on: Mon Nov 3 17:21:45
I am amazed at the arguments in this thread. Being a westerner, my exposure to india and hindu religion is limited. But from what I know about India, It is an intellectually superior country with some of the best brains and knowledge of abstract sciences.
Based on my observation, Brahmins have been intellectually superior to the rest of the indian populace but never used that to discriminate. Infact, we the (west) have benefittde form their knowledge in the field of sciences, engineering and research. Prof Chandrasekhar, in University of Chicago is a Brahmin, I remember reading it somewhere, So is Raman of Raman effect.
I have high regards for their contribution to indian music and literature. As far as other castes are concerned, I do not know if brahminism is an excuse used by them to discriminate themselves.
Also, Dalits are downtrodden, I agree, But Brahmins are not the only reason.I would think that all the so called reformists target the brahmins to blame for any inferiority they possess. Whats funny is there are people who still call themselves martial race and think that great warriors are the fittest by darwins theory. But the real startegy in winning any battle has been the mind games, not the man power.
Who is EVR ? Did he do something for the poor or just created another political party for his section of the community like you see in non brahmin communities. I have studied and understood that Brhamins are responsible leaders unlike the progressive reformists who are nothing more than uncultured selfish inferior people.
Thanks to majority of such people, we (west) could neutralise the best Indian brains for 200 years.
- From: Gregory Puckett (@ adsl-66-139-4-63.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net)
on: Mon Nov 3 19:43:11 EST 2003
My earlier post is just to accentuate the difference between social reforms and "talks" of social reforms. Please refer to the book by David Frawley in this regard.
The hatred or such animosity is uncalled for and it is time to move ahead.
I am not a brahmin or any other section , but It is interesting to know that people get stuck on history especially the negatives ( instead of multitude of positive things that it had to offer to the world esp. Indian history.
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