Convenience Vs. Sanctity

Topic started by vohsendhan (@ on Sat Jul 13 11:18:36 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Convenience Vs Sanctity

Abraham Lincoln and Chanakya overhear the discussion between the teacher and the taught in the Fagin School, in this portion of our historical fiction based on the contemporary history.

Abishtu: Athimber! I would like to have certain doubts of mine cleared today. Why is it that brahmin widows are not allowed to see Sankaracharya if they have not had their heads shaven? Why is it that the Mutt authorities restrict them?
Athimber: It is for various reasons. However, if the Sankaracharya happens to see them then he must forego his next food. The assistants of Sankaracharya do not want to see him starving. That is why they are enforcing this rule.
Abis: In that case, why did they allow Mrs. Indira Gandhi to meet Sankaracharya?
Athi: You are right. But, if Sankaracharya did not want to see Mrs. Indira Gandhi unless she had her shaven, he would invite her wrath.
Abis: Then what about the sanctity of the rule?
Athi: That rule is meant to be enforced only against the ordinary Brahmin women. But not against the women who happen to be in power. You must take into account our convenience also as a factor while enforcing a rule.
Abis: In that case, did the Sankaracharya not take the next food then?
Athi: Maybe. You know, we have always found that there is a way for circumventing all our rules to suit our convenience. You must be flexible.


Abis: If there can be flexibility in these things, then why was there no flexibility in respect of the wife of Mr. Vayalar Ravi? Why was the purification ceremony performed alleging that her presence in the Guruvayur temple had polluted the temple?
Athi: That was to maintain the sanctity of the temple.
Abis: Then why was that rule relaxed when the British queen visited the Highgate Hill temple?
Athi: That was to suit our convenience.


Abis: Anyone who travelled beyond the seas was ostracised from our community, as per our own saastraas.
Athi: Yes, even the travel by land to any place east of the river Ganges was considered as impure and our ancestors banished them saying that they had travelled beyond the Aryavartha. That was to maintain the sanctity of our race.
Abis: In that case, how is it that even temples are built abroad and our men are flown to officiate as priests there?
Athi: That is to suit our convenience.


Abis: Why is it that our Sankaracharya launches the Ghoshala to protect the cows?
Athi: Because, according to our ancient Saastras cows are sacred and we should protect them from being slaughtered.
Abis: In that case, why our own ancestors ate cows on the ground that they were sacred and must be eaten?
Athi: At that time, we were fond of beef. So we ate the cows saying that they were sacred and by presuming that by eating them we could acquire sanctity. But, now we have stopped eating them. We find it convenient now to use it as a ruse to instigate our mercenaries against the Muslims. Unless we keep on fomenting one trouble or the other in the country, the so-called Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Shudras and also the Panchamas will sit and relax and think over about their lower social status and our social dominance. We should not allow them to think. Anti cow-slaughter movement is one such weapon in our hands to create unrest in the society and stop the subjugated people from thinking.
Abis: What could be our answer if people ask us about the date on which we changed our opinion that cows are not to be eaten?
Athi: Don't tell them any such dates. Simply call them names. If possible set upon them some of the mercenaries for that purpose. They will diplay their loyalty to us by doing such dirty acts.


Abis: Why did we not permit the people of Kashmir to reconvert themselves to Hinduism when Kashmir came under Hindu rule?
Athi: To maintain the sanctity of Hinduism.
Abis: Why do we go all the way to reconvert people anywhere and everywhere now after the incident at Meenakshipuram?
Athi: To suit our convenience.


Abis: Why do we cite the tradition for not allowing the non-Brahmins to officiate as priests in all the temples?
Athi: To uphold the sanctity of tradition.
Abis: In that case, why should we deny the non-Brahmin priests of the Palani temple their traditional right to officiate as priests?
Athi: To suit our convenience.
Abis: Then why did you talk of the sanctity of tradition?
Athi: By 'sanctity of tradition', I actually meant our tradition of doing and saying different things at different times to suit our convenience.There are more such instances like our take over of Saivism into the Hindu fold to enter into the Saivite temples and appropriate them for our nefarious activities. Think over such contradictions in our stand and enjoy.

Abraham Lincoln wonders why the athimber is not angry over the attitude of the abishtu in asking questions from the point of view of the subjugated people.

Chanakya explains that a conspirator must know both sides of every issue. Then only he can plan his strategy to defeat the others. "Mr. Lincoln! It is just like the game of chess. One can see both sides and think over every move from both sides. The difference is just that we consider the non-Brahmins as opponents and act accordingly while they think that they are we are playing on their side. To be precise, we act only as Brahmins while they react as Hindus.
"I donot get it", says the puzzled Lincoln.

"See, Mr. Lincoln! We are conscious that we are Brahmins and perpetuate our interests only. But they think that they are Hindus of which the Brahmins are also a part. So, they think and act as if we are with them. But we only use them for our purposes. As a result we get what we want by making them work for us", clarifies Chanakya.

He further adds, "A sadist can derive great joy if he is able to subjugate his enemies by making them believe that he is their rescuer. We have mastered this art and are passing it on from generation to generation for centuries. See how the present Sankaracharya could carve out a separate 'agrahaaram' for the Brahmin students in the Kanchi University. Oh! How joyous it is to be a sadist and terrorist like me!"


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