Sir Staford Cripps and his proposal...
Topic started by Vishvesh Obla (@ on Mon Dec 17 14:31:29 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Can anyone let me know in detail or any good links related to the proposal of Sir Staford Cripps during the Indian Freedom struggle ? I know that a few leaders, including Sri Aurobindo welcomed it so much and I know that because of the decision of the Congress, it didn’t succeed. I would like to know more about the proposal since I understand that India wouldn’t have had to go through the painful process of partition which is still haunting us, if that proposal had been accepted. It seems to me to have been a historical landmark and a blunder in our freedom movement. I would appreciate any further details.
- From: Anand. (@
on: Sun Jan 20 17:17:53
My understanding of the Cripps mission is that it was a dangerous plan hatched as a last resort to keep the Inidian colony in British control by dividing Indian subcontinent into 100+ pieces and
granting restricted autonomy to all the states. Creating too many states would divide the Indians and keep them away from uniting and Britain can exercise their control by playing proper politics siding with oneside or the other as the situation might demand. It ruled out a united India with complete autonomy under one Government.
Many people were lured into accepting that because it was bringing independence immediately. many thought that let us not leave whatever little autonomy we are going to get from the british and sort out the issues later.
But in my opinion that would have aggravated the issues and Britain would have happily retained India. Our people are in general a little dumb. We are not as united as the world is thinking we are. We easily believe other countries and have no vision for ourselves. We let others to write our history. British are known for their divide and rule attitude and they did that everywhere. But India is the worst suffered and it continues till date.
- From: Anand. (@
on: Sun Jan 20 17:20:03
Cripps mission is a standard stuff in all books on the History of Indian Independence. There are lots of sources. I will try to give some info on this in a couple of days.
- From: Vishvesh Obla (@
on: Fri Feb 1 11:47:30
I saw ur message just now. A friend of mine sent me a private email with some very interesting links. I am posting it here for those like you who could be interested in such issues too.
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