The myth of the Taj Mahal and other facts

Topic started by Che (@ on Fri Apr 5 06:23:36 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Shahjahan had more than 2000 wives and whores so how could he tell them apart. He also had incestous relationships with two of his daughters, probably could not tell them apart from the whores.

I am not sure why 'Indians' especially from the North have this ridiculous notion that prior to the mughals and the 'aryans' and the british, that India was not civilized and enriched in a vedic culture that embraced humanity beyond colour and creed.

I have a punjabi associate who totally dismisses the above notions about the taj primarily because of the sense of attachment to the so called 'civilized class' permeating in Indian society of being of mughal /persian stock (a myth). If you see how some of these people behave today and in the past, you would not want to be associated with them.

People just wise up, we are being hoodwinked by the elite powers that be who are only interested in money and licking up to these whites and islamic types because they control the worlds resources. Before long all non europeans and non islamics will be unwillingly caught up in this 'fight against terrorism' which is the Bush agenda for controlling oil and being forced into embracing islam as an antidote. We will be forced to tourist hotspots for the wicked and will live through massaging their egos and other bits (if not doing already).

(downside: anti bush but does not criticise islam for its violent tendencies)


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