ISLAM is Hindu Soceity's worst enemy: - Dr. K. Elst
Topic started by Bharat (@ on Mon Mar 17 14:22:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The RSS-BJP have been trying to be Muslim-friendly, and they are proud to tell you that they have some Muslims in their own ranks, even in leading positions. This makes it difficult for them to criticize Islam.
A Muslim communalist leader has said that the presence of Muslims in any organization is always useful, as it effectively disarms that organization in the struggle against Islam.
Even the most Hindu-friendly Muslims in the BJP is still a Trojan horse, not because he chooses to assume that role, but because his surroundings immediately change their language and behaviour one they meet a Muslim.
It seems that no Hindu (especially with any political ambition in the Nehruvian fremework) dares to criticize Islam in the presence of Muslims.
This is not to say that a Hindu-minded political party should refuse Muslims as members. On the contrary, it should definitely continue to prove that the Islamic establishment has no monopoly on the common Muslims' loyalty, and that many Alis and Fatimas refuse to be held on a leash by the Bukharis and Shahabuddins.
However, it shouldnot compromise on its Hindu perspective, and it should acknowledge that Islam is presently Hindu society's worst enemy. Perhaps it can use a more diplomatic language in passing judgement on Islam, but there should be no compromise about contents.
After the ambiguity about the Hindu movement's opinion of Islam has been cleared, Muslim- born Indians should be attracted not with re-assuring eulogies to the noble faith of Islam, but with a positive and non-sectarian programme of Integral Humanism, embodying the best of Hindu social philosophy without hammering too much on name-tags like Hindu.
In the Gandhian perspective which Voice of India has been actualizing, Sanatana Dharma is not a banner, but a practical way of realizing the intrinsic goals of individual and society. Its central virtue is satya, truthfulness.
For Voice of India, as for Mahatma Gandhi, truth is as much an instrument as a goal: "In this fight for men's minds, out only weapon is Truth. Truth must be told, as much about Hindu society and culture as about the alien ideoligies which have been on the war-path since the days of foreign domination over the Hindu homeland."
Political leaders who claim the confidence of Hindu society would do well to take some inspiration from this, and to rethink their ambiguous attitude regarding Islam. Not facing the truth about Islam was a costly mistake in Gandhi's time. With Islam's increasing strength and self-confidence, it may prove to be a deadly mistake in the near future.
Excerpts from Dr. Koenraad Elst's work.
Dr. Elst is a noted scholar of Delhi based Voice of India hindu think-tank.
- Old responses
- From: Surya (@
on: Mon Mar 1 20:54:00 EST 2004
//How is your naked dancing with your mother?///
keep ur sick incest perversions to urself.
- From: Jihadi (@
on: Mon Mar 1 21:28:06 EST 2004
Islam was spread by Muhammad (piece of ham be upon him gay boy) stealing land from any nation surrounding Arabia. Islam was established through force and bloodshed. No argument, no reason, no logic was ever given but the blade of the sword. Masses are kept in ignorance. muslims have no knowledge of quran and are not aware of its naiveté and inhumane character. Should they read quran in their own language and understand it, they would be disappointed to see the book, far from being a “miracle”, is a hoax; poorly written, full of errors and bereft of beauty.
America, Oil & Israel have little to do with islamic terror. The problem is islam itself. Or maybe you think the terrorist want more money to please allah (may pigs piss on her). They are simply following muhammad’s (and he was a pedophile, check your islamic history) teachings and examples. His favorite way of eliminating his opponents, namely assassination. The current opponents? Us. For that matter all free non-muslims everywhere (the Embassy bombings, the Kole, 9-11, Bali, the Moscow Theater ? No crap!)
But if you consider keeping up the constant imbecilic claims that mudslums are not the problem, you will love this quote, "Ah yes, we must make peace with the angry muslims who are killing us because otherwise .. they might get mad and keep killing us.”
Why was this posted? Because it's an important read. People need to know just how violent Islam is on it's native ground. Or do you have a problem with explaining a murderous cult to people?
Most crucially, Islam cannot be other than a religion of violence. "Of course, most Muslims will never be terrorists. The problem is that for all its schisms, sects, and multiplicity of voices, Islam's violent elements are rooted in its central texts," Spencer writes. His final verdict on Islam is sobering, particularly when one considers the rapidly increasing Islamic presence in Europe, the cradle of Western civilization: "It would be too pessimistic to say that there are no peaceful strains of Islam, but it would be imprudent to ignore the fact that deeply imbedded in the central documents of the religion is an all-encompassing vision of a theocratic state that is fundamentally different from and opposed to the post-Enlightenment Christian values of the West."
Ibn Warraq describes it in his Dedication, Islam is religious fascism, and it is only a feeble-minded political correctness that prevents it from being recognized as such.
Islam was established through force and bloodshed. No argument, no reason, no logic was ever given but the blade of the sword. Masses are kept in ignorance. muslims have no knowledge of quran and are not aware of its naiveté and inhumane character. Should they read quran in their own language and understand it, they would be disappointed to see the book, far from being a “miracle”, is a hoax; poorly written, full of errors and bereft of beauty.
Learn about muhammad’s (now burning in Hell) metamorphosis from preacher to despot. How his call for tolerance, when he was still in Mecca and weak changed to the cry of killing and looting when he became powerful in Medina. You will learn how Muhammad (piece of ham be upon him) encouraged his handful of followers to attack the caravans, kill the men, rape the women and bring the booty (20% for himself) to please Allah, while assuring them that if they are killed their rewards will be “young boys (for sex)”, rivers of wine, and many hurries in the other world. All these sickening deeds are backed by Quran and Ahadith.
- From: nuttyprof (@
on: Wed Mar 17 18:24:54 EST 2004
idiot jihadi
- From: Surya (@
on: Thu Mar 18 00:27:20 EST 2004
///Idiot jihadi///
This is the mentality of all of these fanatic christians and muslims. They expect us to just stand there with our fingers in our mouths while other insult and bash our religion. MMC said things that insulted our gods and none of these faggots said anything, but now that jihadi relatliated, the are barking at jihadi. Thats whhy these ppl hate organizations like the RSS, HINDUTVA, VHP etc. Because they expect hindus to be brainless idiots, and they can't stand it when they see that we are not, when we retaliate.
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