Who are Bhargavas?
Topic started by Milos Bogdanovic (@ proxy.net.yu) on Thu Mar 7 16:47:26 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Please, help me to my anthropology interested and research!
Who are Bhargavas?
How they look?
(Because, I have some genetic data about Bhargavas)
- From: bela kothari (@ )
on: Sun Mar 2 04:55:07
i am conducting a study on the bhargavas in jaipur, india.it is on the effects of marriage within the gotra on various diseases.kindly respond to share experiences.
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417546-174.austin.rr.com)
on: Sun Mar 2 07:17:59
Bhargava is the father of Laksmi. This is why lakshmi is called Bhargavi (i.e daughter of Bhargava).
Bhargava is a gotra (lineal descent group). Marriage is only outside of the gotra (i.e if boy and girl are of the same gotra, they are not allowed to marry).
This is why you do not see genetic diseases related to marriage in india, where as genetic diseases are well famous among the Royals of england (anemia) since they married within family.
- From: bargava (@
on: Sun Mar 16 02:25:01
bargava and kasyapa are fake gothras for those who didnt have any.
- From: Krishna (@ cache-syd-aa02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sun Mar 16 06:33:51
Here is some message about Bargavas...
In 1996, Balakrishnan and his group (Human Biology, August 1996), from Madurai studied HLA ( Human lymphocytic antigen) polymorphism of Iyer Brahmins, Bhargavas, and Punjabis from Delhi area and showed that all of them differ in their genetic inheritance. Vedic Aryan community was not a homogenous one group, rather it was split into small tribes scattered over a vast area incorporating different gene pools, and resulting in several sub caste within the Brahmanic group. He shows Bhargavas to be genetically more related to Uzbeks, Ukrainians and Portuguese, while Punjabis genetically closer to Iranians, Iraqis etc. Iyers show closer genes to people from Central Asia near Eurasian steppes, but interestingly some genetic closeness with the Chinese and Thai not found in any other Brahmins . This probably suggests probable route of their migration to south India via South East Asia and acquiring these genes by some conjugal relationship along the way.
- From: Anonym (@ )
on: Thu Aug 28 14:39:08
visit http://www.bhriguvansh.com/index.asp
- From: Tushar Bhargava (@ )
on: Thu Nov 27 12:49:57
I m creator of bhriguvansh.com (a complete site for bhargavas). If u need any info please contact me.
- From: K K K K K UNIT (@ pcp06581035pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net)
on: Fri Jan 9 18:33:15
wat the f*ck is this
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