Dravidian Nationalism

Topic started by Devi (@ dsl081-104-130.den1.dsl.speakeasy.net) on Sat Feb 1 21:56:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

A Letter Responding to...

101 Civil Rights Facts

Fact#1001: Indians are superior to whites. The Darker they are, the more they're so!

You've got your facts entirely wrong! India's Dravidian (dark-skinned) population was & still is, the superior race (compared to the fair-skinned Aryans) albeit the less aggressive one. Read any history book on the Mohenjo-Daro/Harappa/Indus Valley culture, and it will tell you how advanced (technologically & culturally) they were compared to the barbaric Aryan hordes! (This is a fact, not a racial slur)

In fact Tamil (the language of the Dravidians) is over 3000 years old, and is many times richer compared to Aryan languages like Sanskrit & Hindi (again facts - check it up). The Dravidians, to this present day, maintain their cultural superiority over the Aryans by upholding their superior forms of classical dance (Bharata Nathyam), poetry, music, architecture, and by having higher IQs (check Indian Administrative Service records).

India has never progressed under Aryans like Nehru, Indira Gandhi & Rajiv Gandhi. It liberalised its economy only under the premiership of the Southern Dravidian, Narashima Rao.

The four Southern Dravidian states, are also the most prosperous. (check the UTNE reader for statistics on how Dravidian Kerala state has a standard of living & literacy rate equal to that of the US!- u never knew that, did u?!)

India's greatest hero is Mahatma Gandhi, a dark- skinned Dravidian, not Nehru (who was the purest of Aryans, being a Kashmiri Brahmin)! Read Mahatma Gandhi's - "My Experiments with Truth" and you'll realise what a superior man he is.

Visit Southern India & compare its architectural superiority (temples & palaces) to what can be found in the Aryan North! You'll be amazed! (I challenge u to check this up!) It is a well known fact that the Southern Dravidian States, produce far more engineers, scientists, researchers, systems analysts, compared to the illiterate farming classes of the North.

And it is also a well known fact that people with strong Aryan facial characteristics are usually prone to banditry & violence! (Read up the history of the Chambal Valley, & Uttar Pradesh/Bihar history)

Even among white populations in America, the Dravidian has shown himself superior in all ways. Indians, are ethnically the wealthiest community in California, even surpassing the Japanese, and far more intelligent than white Americans.

In the UK, Indians have also proved themselves by beating wealthier whites on all grounds, from intellect to business. The simple truth is, the whites lack the ability to work hard, and are lazy, prone to drug addiction/alcoholism, and family problems, compared to an average well-brought up Indian.

One of the most Dravidian of Dravidian races, is the Sri Lanka Tamil race. They are even darker than your darkest African Americans. Yet, they were a model colonial community under the British Empire.In fact, the British exported the Sri Lankan Tamils, to be judges, magistrates, doctors, lawyers, engineers & to fill up their civil services in the various colonies. Especially judges! Even today in places like Singapore, Malaysia, and other ex-British colonies, many of these pitch dark Tamils, hold very prominent positions. In the Singapore & Malaysian judiciaries today, almost half the senior judges are of Sri Lanka Tamil origin! And there are only 5000 of them in the whole of Singapore!!! (all this achievement against the tide of a very competitive Chinese majority!)

In South Africa, even with Apartheid & Police rule, Indians have progressed & are a wealthy business community. What more if the playing fields were levelled! Whites are a slow, fun-loving, idle, lazy, hard-drinking race, whose only gift is aggressiveness & a zeal to subjugate other races using bully tactics! For centuries, Asian cultures were superior to barbaric Europe & then somewhere in the 1600 to 1700s, the barbaric, war-loving whites, decided to subjugate vastly superior but passive (Hinduism demands it) India. This can be compared to the quintessential school bully (a dummy), using coercion to intimidate the smarter, more passive, scholarly students!

From there, just like parasites, they drained India's wealth. (not because they were smarter, but through sheer barbarism). The highly refined, cultured, & passive vegetarian Hindus, who couldn't even hurt a fly due to religion, did not know how to resist these low-caste brutes (the whites) after centuries of Pacifism. Now with independence & with all our wealth taken from our land, we are going to the US & UK to take back what is rightfully ours. And we are doing very well, thank you.

In today's world where the rule of law predominates, the whites are incapable of defending themselves from the Indian diaspora, because without their guns & ammunition they are mentally incapable of fighting the much more brainy, determined and disciplined Indian!

India refuses to give up nuclear power, because it has wisened up since its passive, vegetarian days. And together with China, will definitely lead the world into an Asian 21st century. And in Europe, the USA & Canada; the Indian, & Oriental diaspora will take over the economy as their populations increase. Whites will then serve, the Indian & Chinese populations, as working class types, being unable to compete, on equal grounds!

In South Africa, I predict that the Indians will emerge the most powerful race, because the intellectually inferior, lazy, and drug/alcohol consuming white race will not be able to survive under Black political take-over & Indian economic take-over! This has been the case in Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, where Indians (who are less numerically, compared to Blacks & Whites) have managed to dominate the economy. Other examples are Fiji, Mauritius, Suriname, Guyana, the list goes on.

In the UK, the punks (white drop-outs) loathe the Indians because of their intellectual superiority, knack for business & ability to beat white students in exams! How these punks/skinheads must feel, when poor, dark-skinned immigrants have beaten pure Nordic whites - who make up the majority - in all academic & economic fields!

It is disgraceful that whites have deteriorated to such levels, where all they are good for is having sex, partying, drinking, smoking, taking drugs etc. They (the whites) rose in a blaze of glory for a short 200 to 300 years & even after stealing so much of wealth from their ex-colonies, have degenerated to what they are right now! It is indeed a pity!!

This letter send to ACRR by:

Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 03:47:12 -0700 From: Prakash MIME-Version: 1.0 To: civil@anet-stl.com

We wish to thank Prakash for the time and effor to send this.


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