What about these temples?
Topic started by Mahavir (@ on Thu Sep 12 13:43:31 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Tajmahal was a Hindu temple.... babari Masjid was a Ram temple..... and kaba was a shiv temple...
Well...., what about the hundreds of temples which today are known as Hindu temples but originally were Jain or Buddhist temples? For instance, the Tirupati Balaji temple or the Shringeri math itself?
- Old responses
- From: Karthi's father, idiappam father (@
on: Mon Nov 24 15:33:51 EST 2003
Loongi Lions are great, Now I have a discussion between three coward lions as follows:
Idiappam: Tell me are we topping the world in silk sarees?
Miami: Yes yes, lah, I say you say lah, We Tamilians are best people to use highest number of sarees, though our blouses and petticoat concepts were imported from North.
Sidha: No idiappam we are still #1 in the world when it comes to having sex many times a day that is why we guys top the chart in HIV infection.
Miami: So what this is our contribution to world and we must be proud i say lah. We can can do so many things with our half baked language lah.
idiappam: hey lavde kabal, our food is best I say lah, Our protein filled Idlis are creating wonders and doing havoc in worldu scene lah. and our divine langauge which is taking us to Nirvana.
We Damizhians are best people and next to god.
Sidha: more over we top the worlthu in choftvare
with pake dhegrees and pake gommunity certipigate lah.. Let us go to Tamilnadu village and become more divine lah by getting a backward certipigate to top the world lah in job market lah.
We can can beat the world lah.
Tamilian1: we dhamizhilans will rule the world lah. we will be the first people to climb mars, pluto , jupiter and many unknown planets lah.
Tanmilian 2: we can also add 2+2 lah, we are great lah.. he...
miami: Okay lah, we must continue same talk after having baroda, bhoori and guruma with ohins(wines) and biir (beer). okay lah bye lah , happy farting lah. we tamilians are gifted by god to fart and when we are on farting mission no one can stop us. These fart is rather our super power to fight any
gind of worlthu war lah.
it will be continued on demand , please appreciate the divine , nonplgarized self fart. I request all my brothers and sisters(future wives) to believe we Tamiliaans
- From: meow (@
on: Fri Nov 28 13:22:19 EST 2003
tamil pussycats (loongi lions)use children....
tamil so brave....like taliban.......
- From: pope john paul (@
on: Sat Nov 29 06:50:52 EST 2003
Tamilians are biggest fraud & liers on the earth.
These people can sell their religion, culture, heritage and parents just for few church bucks and simple fun with a bottle of beer.
If Dravidians are given chance to do ball room dance with a girl they would not mind doing anything for Church, that is why Madras churches organize many such events.
---- Pope John Paul
- From: lance (@ cpe0080c6e7053e-cm023080006621.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Fri Jan 23 18:22:00
O, you dirty hindu devils breachers of peace, distorters,rapers,murderous and stray doooooogs when pope told you all about this about tamils. satans is posing as a pope. Worshippers of devels get away from us.
- From: lucky (@ cpe0080c6e7053e-cm023080006621.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Fri Jan 23 19:01:28 EST 2004
Hitlar made a mistake instead of jews,he should have wipeout all hindu ba-----.
- From: brahma (@ cpe0080c6e7053e-cm023080006621.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Tue Jan 27 19:12:46 EST 2004
hindu---very good religion pureeeeeeeeeeeee dom fu--;/'k chee
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