What is a Rashee name and the significance of such a name for Hindus
Topic started by Urmila (@ n119.ucce5.uwindsor.ca) on Sat Jan 4 12:20:40 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Consider the following:
1. The selection of a rashee name:
a) the date and timing of birth
b) the planet under which one is born
2. The relationship between one's Rashee name and ones character
- From: Urmila (@ n119.ucce5.uwindsor.ca)
on: Sat Jan 4 12:27:35
I hope I spelt the word Rashee correct. If not, most Hindus will know what I mean.
- From: BAB (@ islaug-143.trinidad.net)
on: Sat Jan 4 16:27:23
I believe the word is raasee? It is said that there is much to be gained in providing a raasee name at birth, but only the well learned can read through one's raasee name.
- From: Rashee Dagu (@ netcache-2002.public.lawson.webtv.net)
on: Thu Jul 31 09:45:01
Rashee Dagu means , loosely translated, the eyebrow of a smelly goat.
- From: Rashee Dagu (@ netcache-2002.public.lawson.webtv.net)
on: Thu Jul 31 09:45:36
Rashee Dagu means , loosely translated, the eyebrow of a smelly goat.
- From: goat eater (@
on: Fri Aug 1 08:20:44 EDT 2003
what language
- From: Š¸ó¾§Åø ¿¼Ã¡ƒ¡ (@ edtntnt3-port-197.dial.telus.net)
on: Sat Aug 2 06:00:50 EDT 2003
>>rashee dagu<<
It sounds like a word from an African language.
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