Why don't missionaries in india convert muslims snd sikhs?

Topic started by shiva (@ on Sat Aug 26 07:57:32 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Guys,since the BJP came to power the christians in india are under a siege.For the first time since independence,they are made to feel as a minority.But i think the missionaries are as much responsible as the hindu fanatic organistaions for the current situation.The missionaries annual reports and speeches made by the priests do strongly indicate that they are contemptous about hinduism.Conversion should be an individual's right (and more so a matter of faith) and the missionaries should not take advantage of a person's economic condition.But if the church in india wants to emanicipate the harijans and tribes from the hindu caste system by converting in to christanity,i ask this question:Why they are not converting indian muslims and sikhs? Is it so beacause of fear? Or ,are they taking advantage of secularism? True,casteism in these faiths is not like in hinduism.But the backward people who converted in to islam and sikhism are no less discriminated while they were hindus.In that case,how could the missionaries justify their conversions only from hindu harijans and tribals?


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