Against Globalization...

Topic started by Vishvesh Obla (@ on Sat Mar 17 18:44:43 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

A heartening thing that is happening all over the world today is that we see a protest against Globalization , not in the backward left oriented third world countries, but in the G7 countries itself. Last year there was a manly protest in US itself, which has spearheaded the inhuman concept of Globalization. There was another massive one it Italy today which eventually received what all such human protests end up with : a beat-up by the police and a distortion by the media. But the thing to note is that the modern capitalist concept of Globalization has failed as exemplified by these protests. It gives hope than Mankind has not entirely lost its trace of human-ness and its belief that life as it ought to be lived not just belongs to a few countries alone.

I paste this message in this forum for the concept of Globalization has a special context in shaping the future of India. For further information about the recent protest at Italy please refer to this link:


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