Should Kerala (Malyalees) re-adopt Tamil?

Topic started by Thamilchelvan (@ on Wed Jan 16 18:18:20 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hello Everyone,

In Tamil there was pure Tamil (thanith thamizh) movement which worked hard to remove all the sanskrit in the 20th century Tamil!
If Malyalees did that to their language, and furthermore they removed foreign grammatical influence then, todays Malyalam will become Tamil (not necessary senthamizh but Tamil). This not a supprise since Malyalam born out of Tamil mainly due to Sanskrit influences! Before 900 ACE today's Keral was "Chera Nadu" and spoke Tamil (accent may vary). It's said that only about 1600 ACE the Malyalm replaced Tamil completely!

So back to the question, should Kerala r-adopt Tamil? Why?/Why not? (prefer Malyalees answering but every one's welcome to provide thoughts)


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