Origin of caste system in India

Topic started by Mahendra Kumar (@ netcache.spectranet.com) on Wed Nov 5 00:26:29 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

as far as I am concerned , the caste plays a big role in India . It is more so since the British came to India.Here the dominating castes cause a lot of harm to local caste. Nishads were the 5th category of caste .Before the origin of Ram and under the influence of Vedic system the Hindus were devide into 4 Verna and the 5 verna was of Nishads . It is this verna which or the people of this verna did not want any type of divisions in society and they seperated from the main stream of society these people were equel to all castes of the then society but with the passage of time all intermingled and the these Nishads were made serving classes but these did not lost there culture for long . Hence people ( Nishads having land and agraculture and or any good means of earning money became part of main stream of society and those who were poor worked as service class .Those who lived in jungles and lost there proper means of earnings but have muscle strenghth and who were seen as down grades also who were tortureed by society for not following there culture became the wariors or the decoits and the were seen as low castes or even people say they are Bad people and saying that in those times instead I will put it as taking name of these people was just like abusing .I think the Dharmacharyas of the main persons of society were not able to conver them and their unability was reflected in such manner. I think it is ( taking name as abuse)the same , thing reflecting from the period of Ram to this time also . We may have good discussion on this matter again . I am waiting for the criticism of my views.
adress mdrt1@hotmail.com


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