Hindu chauvinist and genocide of this century
Topic started by Gurjit singh (@ 210-210-36-118.lan.sify.net) on Tue Apr 23 10:18:37 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Muslims are massacred on basis of religion in india by the crazy Hindus who worship the female fetus as god.
They want to dominate the world in number and kill the monotheist society and the muslims of india , if this continues there would be catastrophe and more suffering of muslims in india.This is the reason pakistan was formed, still hindus are not happy. If you are against
this genocide condemn the hindus in your country and raise your voice against the genocide.
- Old responses
- From: do not want to reveal (@
on: Sun Aug 18 13:48:46
ya i definately agree to the brutal killing of the muslims in ahmedabad but the height is still the good class of people in ahmedabad are even saying that the things which were done was good and says that uptill now the riots which were there only hindus were more killed i just want to convery the message to the hindu extremist group that by doing these type of riots u are not deverloping a rashtra but now u are challenging the biggest minority of india if sikhs who are very few in number can create terror in punjab imagine the situation when u will be harassing muslims all over india. these will only increase terrorism all over india and i think now gujarat will be the first state and nobody can stop the young muslim males ready to face bullets even from police and not having fear of death.so if u believe that by burning and killing muslims u will create a hindu rashtra than its a mis belief only these will turn many normal muslims two hardcore terrorist and in ahmedabad when there were only 10 % muslims were bad now will be turned into almost 60% i suppose
its a same that when the world is becoming a global world we are fighting on the basis of communalism
the only person whom should we brutally kill are politicians who have created the dividing lines between hindus and muslims in ahmedabad either they may be congress or bjp they should be hanged first because the cause lies in there only.
politics is the only factor which has led to these devastating massacre of both the communities and as per my opinion the feeling of humanity should be brought back write from grass root level in both communities these politicians are just worried about there sits and that is why they are playing with the life of the people.
- From: Indian (@ hor186103.uea.ac.uk)
on: Sun Aug 18 22:12:57
To do not want to reveal (@,
Thanks very much for your message. I think you are in ahmedabad, gujarat at present.
Can you tell us more about what is situation at present ? Are people trying to overcome from the situation and continuing their daily routine ?
- From: Iftikhar Ahmed (@
on: Sun Oct 6 05:47:33
Just like their Muslim brethrens carried a peaceful Jihad against their Kafir neighbours in Kashmir valley, cleansing it ethnically without any remorse, same was done by the barbaric Hindus in Gujarat, who were simply frustrated with peace-loving, god fearing, superbly tolerant jehadi Muslims. The hindu idolators in this country do not realise that the path of Islam is a peaceful one. Regretfully, they (Islamists) had to spread their religion through sword and might because most of the illiterate people did not understand the divine message of Quran and importance of killing Kafirs. Islamists also have a great culture of sellign captive men, women and children as slaves and they were great builders. They did not like the places of the idolators and peacefully dismantled them and built grand mosques in praise of the almighty the Allah.
Muslims of the world unite! Just like we destroyed Buddha statues, WTC...we need to bring down the citadels of infidels. Inshallah....one day we will hear the sacred chants of Quran in every nook and corner of the world.
- From: Peter (@ cache-loh-ad02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sun Oct 6 08:51:32
Muslims of the world unite! Just like we destroyed Buddha statues, WTC...we need to bring down the citadels of infidels. Inshallah....one day we will hear the sacred chants of Quran in every nook and corner of the world.
The western world, the Russians, The chinese, The hindus,the Budhists and The jews all of us ,the entire humanity want to eradicate Islam before the end of this century from this planet.
Every nook and crany you dog,is not your entire ar*se hole
- From: Aruvaal (@
on: Sun Oct 6 12:43:31
Iftikhar Ahmed, you never learn do you?
When the Taliban destroyed the Buddha statues, punishment from God was swift and effective.
In a short time, the entire Taliban was wiped off. Don't play with God. Repent ye muslim!
- From: ks (@
on: Sun Oct 6 13:21:15
Aruval and Peter,
You people are so intelligent you found that
Iftikhar Ahmed (@ is a muslim, Great.
- From: Ashok (@ 12-255-214-107.client.attbi.com)
on: Sun Oct 6 16:42:50
I guess you guys didnt read into the sarcasm of the "iftikar ahmad" guy... read the post again!!!
- From: Peter (@ cache-loh-aa02.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sun Oct 6 17:07:45
Hi Iftikar ahamad
I am sorry for being rude, I just read the whole post once again at the request of Ashok and understood your sarcasm.I got carried away thinking that you were a Muslim.
- From: Indian (@ newgw4.me.iastate.edu)
on: Sun Oct 6 18:45:36
`Brahmins do not have monopoly over temple puja'
New Delhi Oct. 5. In a judgment of far-reaching consequences, the Supreme Court has ruled that Brahmins do not have monopoly over performing puja in a temple and said a non-Brahmin, properly trained and well-versed in the rituals, could be appointed as a pujari.
``As long as anyone well-versed and properly-trained and qualified to perform the puja in a manner conducive and appropriate to the worship of the particular deity, is appointed as santhikaran (pujari) ... , no valid or legally justifiable grievance can be made in a court of law,'' the court said on Thursday.
This ruling was given by a Bench comprising Justice S. Rajendra Babu and Justice Doraiswamy Raju, while up holding the appointment of a non-Brahmin as pujari in Kongoopilly Neerikode Siva Temple at Alangad village in Ernakulam, Kerala.
Justice Raju, writing for the Bench, said no doubt only a qualified person well-versed and properly trained for the purpose could perform pujas in the temple, since he had not only to enter the sanctum sanctorum but also touch the idol.
``It therefore goes without saying that what is required and expected of one to perform the rituals and conduct pujas is to know the rituals to be performed and mantras, as necessary, to be recited for the particular deity and the method of worship or ordained thereof,'' he said.
The court said that if traditionally or conventionally, in any temple, all along a Brahmin alone was conducting pujas or performing the job of santhikaran, it might not be because a person other than the Brahmin was prohibited from doing so because he was not a Brahmin. It might be because others were not in a position and, as a matter of fact, were prohibited from learning, reciting or mastering Vedic literature, rites or performance of rituals and wearing sacred thread by getting initiated into the order. ``Consequently there is no justification to insist that a Brahmin or Malayala Brahmin in this case, alone can perform the rites and rituals in the temple, as part of the rights and freedom guaranteed under Article 25 of the Constitution and further claim that any deviation would tantamount to violation of any such guarantee under the Constitution,'' Justice Raju said. The court said the vision of the founding fathers of the Constitution to liberate society from blind and ritualistic adherence to mere traditional superstitious beliefs sans reason or rational basis has found expression in the form of Article 17 of the Constitution.— PTI
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