Topic started by vohsendhan (@ on Sun Aug 11 07:21:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Dear Mr. Bush,
The Afghans do not understand Set this one against the other,now Don't care for Mr. Itcho Ito New Imperialism of Mr. Robert Cooper Old imperialism of the Indo-Aryans
July 1, 2002 has changed the scene, dear friend. It is high time you changed your strategy in Afghanistan. The ruling Northern Alliance is not able to keep the Afghans unconcerned about the way in which you had bombed the marriage party in your 'mission' of annihilating terrorists.
"Women and children lay dead and wounded in and around one big house where they had been gathered for an engagement party, torn apart by cannon fire from an American AC 130 gunship. An Afghan delegation said the attack killed 48 people, most of them women and children and injured 117, figures that American commanders said they accepted." (Asian Age 9.7.2002) "The attack had angered local officials and has revealed the first rifts in Afghan government support for the American - led military campaign in Afghanistan."
Now the public opinion in Afghanistan has snowballed into a major opposition to your murder of the innocents and that too in a marriage party. The Afghan public do not understand that what had happened on July 1 was just "collateral damage".
They also do not understand why you were so angry when 7 Americans were killed in an attack in Israel by Palestinians in the first week of August 2002, when that was also nothing but a collateral damage from the Palestinian point of view, you know.
But, the problem is that these people also start thinking. That is the problem. It is high time you changed your strategy in Afghanistan.
You remember that you had said on the eve of the WTC bombing on 11.9.2001 that you would chase the terrorists. "We will set them one against the other", you had said. Accordingly, you had set the Northern Alliance (whom you had been fighting earlier) on Taliban (whom you had supported earlier). The N.A. just fell into your trap and helped you to finish the Taliban.
But, now N A starts feeling uncomfortable when you go on your killing spree. They are not able to keep their conscience under check when you bomb their women and children on the occasion of marriage. That clearly is a danger signal, Mr. Bush! The NA rulers have started believing that they have a duty to protect the Afghan commoners. It is therefore hightime you started supporting Taliban and set them against the NA. The see-saw game must go on like that.
After all, your government has adequate experience already. Once your government set Pakistan against India and helped the former with weapons which were used to kill the Indian soldiers. Later you started befriending India and were about to declare Pakistan a rogue state in August 2001. But, the 9/11 changed it all. You are now declaring that you will not declare Pakistan a terrorist state and it is your "stalwart ally" in your fight against terrorism.( Times of India 19.7.2002). Naturally, the "natural ally" is peeved, forgetting the 1965 and 1971 events.
Keep setting them one against the other. Keep the tension alive in the international arena in the name of terrorism. That way you can become even stronger. Mr. Itcho Ito, the Mayor of Tokyo "accused the United States of using its 'fight against terrorism' as an excuse to opt out of nuclear non-proliferation agreements." For more about it see the report of Reuters. (Asian Age 10.8.2002). You need not bother about the fact that people come to know of your mischievous designs. As long as you think you are strong you have the licence to commit any atrocity against any country.
As long as the third world countries play second fiddle to you, you can set any one of them against any other. That is the only way to establish your supremacy.
Do you know that Mr. Robert Cooper, the foreign policy advisor to Tony Blair, has called for a new imperialism? Do you know that in order to enforce it you can take a cue or two from the religious imperialists of India?
Robert Cooper has called for a "new imperialism" that allows "well-governed" western nations to impose order and stability on the world. This theory had been written by him even before the 9/11 event. Stating the "need for colonisation", Mr. Cooper argues that active intervention is sometimes necessary. "Among ourselves we operate on the basis of 'laws' but when dealing 'with more old-fashioned kinds of states outside the post-modern continent of Europe, we need to revert to the rougher methods of an earlier era - force, pre-emptive attack, deception, whatever is necessary to deal with those who still live in the 19th century world…" (Times of India July 17, 2002).
In regard to the ancient India Jawaharlal Nehru says that there was some kind of democracy then. "But let us always remember that this democracy was more or less confined to Aryans themselves. Their slaves, or those whom they placed in low castes, had no democracy or freedom… Thus we have to bear in mind that, on the one side, the Aryans kept down the working class and did not allow it any share in their democracy; on the other, they had a great deal of freedom among themselves." (Glimpses of World History - Page 25).
Go ahead Dear Cowboy!
You can play the seesaw game now more brazenly. For, all others in the world are simply cowards.