Topic started by amresh vashisht (@ on Wed Oct 17 01:21:23 .
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Pay Tributes/Dedicate to your mother

Take a moment now to go within yourself to that place of love within you and bring your mother to your heart, picture her before you and send her your love and say a beautiful prayer within you, asking God to bless her.

No matter who your mother is or what you think of her, no matter what disagreements you may have had, make it up, be kind to her, be loving to her. God sent her into the world. She is only playing the role that she knows. Maybe it is not perfect but she is just playing the role she knows best. Give her your love! Give her your support! Give her your reverence! Remember when she is gone you will not have another like her. Our first relationship develops with our mother. The human body we have, begins in her womb. There is a relationship between our physical body and our mother, for nine special months and that is a relationship only a mother can speak about. It endears the mother to the child.

The Power Of a Mother

Do you see the power the mother has? If all the mothers in the world can be more prayerful and more spiritual could you imagine what will happen to our world? We will not be bringing ‘vagabonds’ or ‘hooligans’ into the world but we will be bringing more saintly people into the world, That is how powerful mothers are. I am hoping we can touch the hearts of many ‘would be’ mothers.

She made many sacrifices for us in her life. Many times she wanted things but she saved the money to give her children a good education. When I think of my mother, I think only of love. I think of the wonderful person she is and I know that she is responsible for bringing me into the world, attracting me into the world and being pure enough to bring the kind of soul that I am.

Dedicated To Mothers

Let us take a few minutes to go within, open our hearts and offer a prayer to all mothers of the world. Let us focus within. Beloved God, Father and Mother, we thank You for all the mothers who are with us today and for all the mothers in the world. Without our mothers we would not be here. We thank You for them.

I want you now, to think of your mother, whether she is alive today in this world or whether she has passed on to the other world, bring her to your mind in this moment and offer her your love.

Mother, I want to say today that We love you and We thank you from the bottom of our heart for all the sacrifices you have made for us, all the love you showed to us, all the pain you have endured for us. We say thank you from the bottom of our heart. We know that we can never repay you, We can only hope to be a good child as you want us to be. We ask God to bless you, most kindly, bless you on your journey to happiness, to peace, to truth and to enlightenment. May you continue to be the radiant light that you are and the beautiful blessing that you are. May I continue to be worthy of your love and blessings.

Let us pray for all the mothers in our country and all the mothers throughout the world. Let us send them our love and wish God’s blessings upon them. May they continue to do justice to the role of motherhood. May they be a light to the world and may they continue to bring beautiful souls into our world. May we continue to respect and honour them and may the tradition of motherhood always be blessed.

As I close 'TRIBUTES TO MOTHER' I would like to say that mother is a Shakti and when you hurt mother, you are hurting God. When you are ungrateful to mother, you are ungrateful to God. All those of you who have mothers, show a special honour to your mother. In fact we should do it everyday. Think of how special your mother is to you. Mother is a gift from God to you! Your mother is unique. It is said that there are certain things you could replace in your life but mother is one of those you can’t replace. You can marry again but mother you can’t replace. Remember mother and don’t be ungrateful and disrespectful.

Once your mother blesses you, your life has to be good. If your mother prays for you that is the strongest prayer in the world. And that is all We want from our mother- that she bless us.

I wish for you, no matter who your mother is or what you thought of her, no matter what disagreements you may have had, make it up, be kind to her, be loving to her. God sent her into the world. She is only playing the role that she knows. Maybe it is not perfect but she is just playing the role she knows best. Give her your love! Give her your support! Give her your reverence! Give her your honour! God has placed her there. By serving her well, God will bless you abundantly. Do all the things that she would be happy with. Pray for her. Remember when she is gone you will not have another like her.

My mother name is Swaraj Sharma,who lives in Merrut and a chairperson of Shree Ram Saraswati Ved Raj Foundation.

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