'saptapadi' mantra
Topic started by shyam (@ cache-mtc-ab06.proxy.aol.com) on Sat Jun 14 19:12:27 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I am looking for the sanskrit chants for the 'saptapadi' ritual which is a part of the Vivaha samskara. Any leads ....woudl be welcome...thank you...
- From: Karuvayan (@ cs2417534-176.austin.rr.com)
on: Sun Jun 15 01:42:20 EDT 2003
- From: Dr. Rajendra Pawar (@ )
on: Wed Nov 26 07:32:22
Saptapadi, or the taking of seven steps by the bride and the bridegroom before the sacred fire, is considered to be the rite of prime importance in solemnizing a marriage. According to Paraskar Grahaya Suktram and various other prominent Smritis, marriage has no strength or recognition if this rite is not duly performed. Until the bride has performed the Saptapadi she is considered unmarried. The Saptapadi is the only ritual that gives the right to a girl to choose her husband in front of the sacred fire (Agni).
A question that often comes to the mind is why seven steps? Seven has a very deep spiritual, philosophical & divine significance in it. There are seven matrikas or seven aspects of mother energy. The sacred fire has seven flames, there are seven porous pious rivers, seven phases in the life of a woman, seven elements of body, seven notes of music, seven rays of the sun and seven main planets. Therefore, seven is always considered to be a mystic number that bestows long life. In the famous puranic story of Savitri and Satyavan, Savitri mentions to Yamaraj (Lord of Death) that I have moved with you for seven steps, so we are already friends. As a friend how can you make me a widow by taking away my husband Satyawan's soul. Hence the concept of Saptapadi is very closely related with our mystic legends in the tradition of fulfilling the four ends of human life i.e. Dharma, Kama, Artha and Moksha in family life (grahasta).
While performing this rite, the bride, bearing in mind all previous ceremonies of Kanyadaan and Laja Homa, agrees to take the seven steps as the beginning of her life together with the bridegroom.
It is important to mention here, that this ceremony i.e. Saptapadi is mostly confused with pheras or agni pradakshina. The agni pradakshina or pheras is a totally different rite of four, three or seven circuits round the sacred fire, three of which are led by the bride and rest by bridegroom. The Saptapadi on the other hand is the rite of seven steps taken together by the bride and the bridegroom, at a slow and measured pace side-by-side and step-by step in the north-eastern direction. While moving forward the bride is always on the right side so that the bridegroom's right hand is on her right shoulder. He says to her "Let not your left foot surpass your right foot." With each step, the bride and the bridegroom take a pledge together.
First Step
Bridegroom Says
"Om esha ekapadi bhava iti prathaman"
"My beloved, our love becomes firm by your walking one step with me. You will offer my food and be helpful in every way. I will cherish you and provide for your welfare and happiness and that of your children.
Bride Says
"Dhanam dhanyam pade vadet"
"I humbly submit to you, my lord. Kindly give me the responsibility of the home, food and finance. I promise you that I shall fulfil all responsibilities towards the welfare of the family and the children.
Second Step
Bridegroom Says
"Om oorje jara dastayaha"
"My beloved, now you have walked the second step with me. Fill my heart with strength and courage and together we shall protect the household and the children."
Bride Says
"Kutumburn rakshayishyammi sa aravindharam"
"My lord, in your grief, I shall fill your heart with courage and strength. In your happiness, I shall rejoice, I promise you that I will please you always with sweet words and take care of the family and children. And you shall love me and me alone as your wife.
Third Step
Bridegroom says
"Om rayas Santu joradastayaha"
"My beloved, now you have walked three steps with me. By virtue of this, our wealth and prosperity are going to grow. I shall look upon all other woman as my sisters. Together, we will educate our children and may they live long"
Bride Says
"Tava bhakti as vadedvachacha"
"My love, I will love you with single minded devotion as my husband. I will treat all other men as my brothers. My devotion to you is that of a chaste wife and you are my joy. This is my commitment and my pledge to you."
Fourth Step
Bridegroom Says
"Om mayo bhavyas jaradastaya ha"
"My beloved, it is a great blessing that you have walked four steps with me. You have brought auspiciousness and sacredness into my life. May we be blessed with obedient and noble children. May they live long."
Bride Says
"Lalayami cha pade vadet."
"My lord, I will adorn myself from head to toe with flowers, garlands and ornaments, and anoint myself with sandalwood paste and fragrance for your sake. I will serve you and please you in every way I can."
Fifth Step
Bridegroom Says
"Om prajabhyaha Santu jaradastayaha"
"My beloved, now that you have walked five steps with me, you have enriched my life. May God bless you. May our loved ones live long and share in our prosperity."
Bride Says
"Arte arba sapade vadet"
"My Lord, I will share your joys and sorrows. Your love will make me trust and honour you. I will carry out all your wishes."
Sixth Step
Bridegroom Says
"My beloved, you have filled my heart with happiness walking six steps with me. May you fill my heart with joy and peace at all times and seasons."
Bride Says
"Yajne home shashthe vacho vadet."
"My Lord, in all acts of righteousness, in material prosperity in all enjoyment and divine acts, I promise you I will participate and I shall always be with you."
Seventh Step
Bridegroom says
"Om sakhi jaradastayahga."
"My beloved, as you walked the seven steps with me, our love and friendship became eternal. We experienced spiritual union in God. Now you have become completely mine and I offer my life to you. Our marriage will be forever.
Bride Says
"Attramshe sakshino vadet pade."
"My Lord, as per the law of God and the holy scriptures, I have become your spouse with the taking of the seventh step. Whatever promises we gave, we did so with a pure mind. We will be truthful to each other in all matters. We will love each other forever."
- From: mmc (@ netcache.spectranet.com) on Wed Nov 26 22:35:01 EST 2003
Mohini ['The Enchantress'] is a famous apsaras (celestial nymph) of Lord Indra's harem. Although usually the apsarases are real and usually created by the gods for the purpose of distracting enemies or ascetics, Lord Visnu himself sometimes takes a form to look like the nymph Mohini to delude the demons during battle:
"Visnu took the form of the apsaras Mohini in order to beguile the demons and to steal the Soma back from them. Having accomplished this, Visnu was approached by Siva and Parvati, and Siva asked him to display the seductive form which he had assumed for the demons. Visnu became Mohini, and Siva immediately ran after her, abandoning Parvati who stood with her head lowered in shame. Siva embraced Mohini by force, and his seed fell upon the ground. Mohini disappeared and Siva returned to Parvati." -- Brahmanda Purana 4:10:41-77.
"One day Siva saw the Mohini form of Visnu. He was struck by Kama's arrows and let fall his seed. The Seven Sages put the seed in a pot and they infused it into the daughter of Gautama through her ear. In time, Hanuman, the monkey-god, was born from it." -- Siva Purana 3:20:3-7.
- From: bhogeshwar rao (@ dialpool-210-214-1-144.maa.sify.net)
on: Fri Jan 2 01:00:27
1.purpous of wearing basikamu
2.meaning behind bride briginging tender coconnet during marrage.
- From: mummudicholan (@ 61-221-30-167.hinet-ip.hinet.net)
on: Fri Jan 2 08:44:26 EST 2004
Incest in Hinduism ?
Due to the strict restrictions and regulations one feature arose that is
apparently more common in Hindu society than in any other part of the world:
incest. References to this practice abound. Often the girls were unwilling, but
were then forced by their brothers/fathers.
References abound even in the Rg Veda, showing that the perversion of
brother-sister incest was introduced by the ancient Hindus :
Pushan is the lover of his sister [ Rg Ved VI.55.4 ] [ Apte 11 ]
Agni is the lover of his own sister [ Rg Ved X.3.3 ] [ Apte 11 ]
Ashvins are referred to as the sons of Savitar and Ushas who are brother and
sister [ Apte 11 ].
The Ashvisns married Surya and Savitri who is their sister [ RV I.116.19 ].
Agni is the son of his fatehr and his sister [ Rg Ved.I.91.7 ]
Yama wards off his sister Yami, saying marriage between brother and sister is
forbidden [ R.V.X.10 ] [ Apte 11 ]
Father-daughter incest occurs in the famous story of Prajapati (later
identified with Brahma, in tunr incorporated as an incarnation of Vishnu) and
his daughter [ RV III.31.1-2 ]. Moreover, this was punished. Prajapati is
thought to have done something wrong, and Prajapati was pierced by Agni as a
punishment [ Sat.Br. XIII.9 ] [ Apte 63 ].
It is evident that the strict laws on male-female relations led to the
repression of normal practies and the rise of various perversions like
brother-sister incest, father-daughter incest etc. Even to this day incest of
varying degrees (cross-cousin, father-daughter, mother-son, brother-sister,
etc.) is extremely common amongst the Hindus. No other race on earth has ever
recorded such a prevalance of this practice. Just as sodomy has its home in
Persia, Lesbianism in ancient Lesbos, so incest has its home amongst the
- From: Star (@ adsl-68-77-157-221.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net)
on: Sat Jan 3 05:21:16 EST 2004
First explain why you didn't post porno on 26th December, you filthy-low class Thevar. Is that the day the Jewish whore had her b-astard son? Or is it the day you're mother dropped you on you're head?
- From: sanjeev (@ )
on: Thu Aug 5 23:16:48
what are the seven happiness according to Hindu philosophy (saton sukh)
- From: pinak (@ storm.ogn.af.mil)
on: Wed Dec 8 12:17:19
can anyone give me saptpadi in sanskrit?
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