The basics of Hinduism

Topic started by Urme (@ on Mon Dec 29 10:08:01 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Many Hindus are lost because they find Hinduism too diverse to understand in a nutshell in their lifetime. The advance Hindus have some responsibility to ensure that the understanding of Hinduism is not found to be a task by those trying to understand it. As a guide, we need to understand what is Hinduism and the basics of what it entails.

Hinduism consists of a wide range of beliefs and philosophy. Hinduism is not homogenous by nature, but rather diverse, depending on the historical period and the specific school of thought. Yet, nothing is really lost from any spiritual concept, but rather becomes added to a wider spiritual picture and integrated within the new new layers of Hinduism - meaning it can adapt to changes. Therefore, there are many methods to any spiritual progress and final liberation or salvation. Hinduism is a long human endeavour to bring down the divine consciousness by sanctification of the human existence itself.

The main embodiment of Hinduism:

Dharma: The right conduct of life if fully accomplished leads to Moksha, an accomplishment of final liberation. This path to final liberation has three parts: the path of action (called karma); the path of knowledge (Jhana); and the path of devotion.

The path to final liberation/Moksha is also the highest level of salvation of which there are six schools which can be found in the Upanishad-s. These six schools with the understanding of Karma and Devotion entails, should provide some basis understanding of Hinduism. They also give good pointers to the debt of Hinduism.


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