Subrahmanya, Subbulakshmi, civil services and the country.

Topic started by vohsendhan (@ on Sat Jun 15 11:48:28 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Subrahmanya, Subbulakshmi, civil services and the country.

Sama: Did you see the newspapers of 8.6.2002, Seema? Especially about the queen's visit to Highgate Hill temple?
Seema: Yeah, that visit to the Muruhan temple? I read it. What is so special?
Sama: Do not say that it is Muruhan temple. Call it the temple of Subrahmanya.
Seema: Why? Outside Tamil land, there is not much adoration for Muruhan, except some exceptions. Naturally, the Tamil name Muruhan has been used by those Highgate Hill temple authorities also. Why do you compulsorily call it the temple of Subrahmanya?
Sama: Dear Seema! You must know that all the newspapers have published that it was Highgate Hill Murugan temple. But our Hindu has published that the presiding deity is Lord Subrahmanya. We must therefore use only the word Subrahmanya and not Muruhan.
Seema: Why is it so?
Sama: Anything that is popular must be taken over. Anything that is powerful must be sanskritised. Anything that is essential must be made to look brahminical. This is one such efforts made by us to take over the religion of Tamils. We must persist with it with perseverance. Muruhan means the one who is beautiful. But Subrahmanya means the one who is a good Brahmin. Take over made simple, can't you see?
Seema: Arey! Now I understand why our Sadhasivam seduced Suppulakshmi.
Sama: What do you say?

Seema: Don't you recall that our M.S. Suppulakshmi was seduced away from her husband by our Sadasivam. Later we utilised her extraordinary talents to promote our interests. I think that was also one of our tricks in the take-over of culture.
Sama: Yes yes! You have rightly recalled. We are not sure whether Ravana kidnapped Sita. But this is real and everyone knows. But if our men do it we should make molehill out of a mountain. You remember how we have succeeded in projecting the notorious womaniser S. Radhakrishnan and compel the teachers to celebrate his birthday. That is our past. But our MM Joshi is trying to take over the entire history and use it to promote our interests. This is the latest you know.
Seema: Maybe. But the climax is that we are now in the process of taking over the entire country for ourselves.
Sama: How?

The country.

Seema: You see, rule means occupying the positions of power. When the British rules us, there were only about 5000 British people in our country. But they were in positions of power. So they could subordinate us and rule us.

When the Mughals and other Muslim rulers ruled us, they were only a few in numbers but were in positions of power and therefore could subordinate us and rule us. Now we rule the nation you know; we have taken over; it is ours now.

Let me quote the following: " the Brahmins who are a mere 3.5% of the total Indian
population. According to a report quoted by Khushwant Singh, they held 3% of all posts in 1935. In the year 1982, in the senior echelons of the civil services from the ranks of deputy secretaries upwards, out of 500, there are 310 Brahmins i.e. 63%; out of 26 state chief secretaries 19 are Brahmins; of 98 vice-chancellors 50 are Brahmins; of 438 district magistrates, 250 are Brahmins; and out the total of 3300 IAS officers, 2376 are Brahmins."

But in 1993, the occupation was almost complete.

The particulars regarding
(a)Total No.of Posts
(b)Number of Brahmins occupying these posts
(c)Percentage of Brahmins are given in the order (a)/(b)/(c).

1.President's Office
Group A 49 / 45 / 91%
Group B 162 / 138 / 85%

2.Vice-President's Office
Group A 7 / 7 / 00%
Group B 14 / 11/ 78%

3.Prime Minister's Office
Group A 36 / 32 / 89%
Group B 117 / 100 / 85%

4.Ministry of Defence
Group A 1379 / 1332 / 96%
Group B 7752 / 6762 / 87%

5.Ministry of Welfare Education
Group A 259 / 238 / 92%
Group B 851 / 732 / 86%

6.Ministry of Law
Group A 1008 / 947 / 94%
Group B 2724 / 2507 / 92%

7.Ministry of Industry
Group A 169 / 150 / 88%
Group B 510 / 460 / 90%

8.Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Group A 2506 / 2170 / 86%
Group B 9416 / 6881 / 73%

Sama: Ah hah ha! We could take over everything we covet. You know how we took over the entire land without spending a single pie.
Seema: How?
Sama: We just renamed all the towns and villages in Sanskrit. Thirumaraikkadu became Vedaranyam. Mayiladuthurai became Mayuram. Mudhuhundram became Vriddhachalam, etc., etc., And then we could boast that the entire land was under Sanskrit dominance.
Seema: Ah hah ha! And that Sanskrit itself was a language created by a handful of our ancestors by utilising the Tamil script pattern. Oh hoh ho! We coveted all and we took over all. Heh Heh He!
Sama: Oh! Don't laugh so loudly. Our activities must always be sheathed in conspiracy. Go to a secret place for laughing loudly. Better laugh not but chucle.


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