Should it be an offence to express your views as to why you prefer one religion and way of life over another ?

Topic started by Ormila (@ on Sun Apr 6 17:33:25 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

To express why you prefer one religion and way of life over another, sometimes mean revealing your views of the negatives of another. Should this amount to 'not respecting the religious views of another' where such things are discussed in private? Further consideration would be where Hinduism happens to be the oldest religion, from which many has evolved e.g. Buddhism. Moreover, those judging the situation are non-Hindus. Is this fair and reasonable? Personally, I think this amounts to the violation of the human rights (the right to religious belief) of the Hindu person making such statements, especially when it was done in privacy, illegally accessed and used without knowledge or consent of the Hindu person who made the statements. The very fact that this was done, shows persecution and the reverse claim of 'religious intolerance' to negate claims of persecution as a result of ones 'religious belief'. The Hindu person as an 'individual' with certain religious belief, stating the reasons for such beliefs, does not have the power to persecute, only those in positions of power.


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