Talking Human Rights

Topic started by abc (@ on Tue Jan 22 17:28:24 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

There has been criticism about the way US has been treating captured Talebans in its detention centre. Amnesty International etc are worried that they are not treated as PoWs.
1. Were they regular armymen of a country or a group of Islamic terrorists spreading terror everywhere? When then should they be treated as PoWs?
2. If people are so concerned about the treatment provided to Talebans, I suggest to the US govt to repatriate the Talebans and the critics back to the Afghan warlords(now NA). They will handle Talebans better by stoning them etc.

Another attack on India :
Thanks to Islamic terrorists, there is no peace anywhere. Moderate Muslims are so silent. But when Afghanistan was attacked, it translated to a war against Islam!!! WHat logic.
The Muslim appeasing Govt of WB, I am sure will claim that thsi attack has been staged by the Centre to implement the POTO. While US, UK have still more draconian laws than India's proposed POTO.

Recently newspapers reported Kashmir killing as "11 Muslims killed in JK"... etc. DId they ever report "36 Sikhs massacred in JK", "100 Hindu pilgrims massacred in JK"... and so on? Is Hindu/Sikh blood different from a mulla blood?

It is high time newspapers adopted fair means and become nationalist.


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