India suppresses discussion on racism??
Topic started by V.C.Vijayaraghavan (@ on Tue Feb 27 06:41:52 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
New York, February 22, 2001) Human Rights Watch today sharply criticized efforts by the Indian government to exclude caste-based discrimination from discussion at a major U.N. conference on racism.
At the just-concluded Asia regional preparatory meeting
held in Tehran on February 19-21 for the upcoming World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, the Indian overnment tried to block members of the Dalit ("untouchable") community from getting descent-based discrimination on the agenda of the onference.
Does the "untouchability" and caste based exclusion from public facilities be equated with racism?
- Old responses
- From: Sugrutha (@
on: Thu Aug 9 16:18:43
India is not alone ! The West does not want to discuss Zionism and Slave-trade.
US may boycott racism conference
New warning on racism conference (from Australia)
Rows threaten racism conference
- From: Venki (@
on: Fri Aug 10 09:27:07
It is not a question of discussion of caste inequalities in India. We have been doing it since independence very vigorously. We have legislated and passed laws eliminating inequality. We have made considerable progress in giving opportunities to the downtroden. But we cannot rest until we give equality of opportunities to all layers of society, with considerable progress towards an equality of outcomes.
The question is will taking this discussion to an international forum on racism do any good? It will only be used by other nations cynically by exploiting the caste differences within India for geopolitical and economic reasons. The other countries that refuse to draw attention to their domestic issues, clearly know that it will affect their national interests.
That is why, it is all the more reason for India to address these issues in an egalitarian way without polarization domestically.
- From: Meenakshi (@
on: Sun Sep 16 10:44:37
What about the Gender Discrimination? This is practised in all civilisations. The immense oppression of Males of Femalehood is greater than all other racism and casteism oppressions.None have guts to talk about it.
- From: Humble_Hindu (@
on: Thu Oct 4 20:19:50
What about the Terrorism Discrimination? This is practised widely in only one semi-civilisation (Islam). The immense oppression of Muslims of non-Muslims is greater than all other racism and casteism and feminism oppressions. None have guts to talk about it.
- From: p (@
on: Wed Oct 10 16:37:45
>>But we cannot rest until we give equality of opportunities to all layers of society, with considerable progress towards an equality of outcomes.
How coudl we achieve that if every political party is casteist??? The reform should come from within the society. One should be ashamed to belong to any caste based organization, the govt. should make it illegal to form political parties based on caste. With such outward exhibition of casteism as is present today, we are going backward not forward.
- From: Philippe Egalite' (@
on: Thu Jan 10 15:11:55
Would anyone comment on the British Government's policy to send preferably married personnel, with their wives of course, to India?
Apparently any British Tommy would end up marrying an Indian Princess, just because of his white skin.
- From: rahul (@ )
on: Fri Oct 3 00:17:52
hey guys check out this site.( topic = coloured people)
U wont believe the responses i got.
and do post message here also.
- From: karthi (@
on: Fri Oct 3 02:28:32 EDT 2003
Philippe Egalite' (@
Black South Indians like the white skin very much than the north Indians.
on: Tue Oct 14 08:50:28 EDT 2003
There is no question of suppressing anything in India.
Racism has been peculiar to the west and particularly the Whitemen.
Recently, the western and Christian propagandists tried to equate "racism" with "casteism", but failed utterly.
Caste has been there in every society, though different names are used - class, denomination, ethnos and so on.
But racism has been different, it is based on the colour of the skin, treating such people as slaves. This is justified based on the religious scriptures.
The Aprtheid Investigation Committee reported that the verses from Genesis of Bible were reason for the nurture and establishment of Apartheied and slavery.
"The Canaan shall be the servant for ever. The servant of servant, shall be servant for ever. The hewers of wood and drawers of water" etc.
- From: karthi (@
on: Wed Oct 15 07:40:27 EDT 2003
Racism is HATE based on color or ethnicity or language.
CASTE is an ID of group of people!
- From: kumar (@ )
on: Sat Dec 13 04:10:14
Catism and racism r one and the both case u hurt the feelings of many.castism is where u divide ppl based on the god one worships and racism is based on the skin i dont feel any difference between castism and racism
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