Life of a cow more valuable than life of 5 dalits
Topic started by Kamalini Nagarajan (@ on Fri Nov 1 11:03:44 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
This is a quote from an interview from a VHP leader immediately after the lynching of 5 dalits by a VHP/RSS mob. They sent the body of the cow for post mortem instead of the human bodies.
I would like to hear a discussion on this issue. No off-topic posts or abusive posts please.
- From: Krishna (@
on: Sat Nov 2 06:02:01
Thats what hindu texts says...
Hindus are so devoted to protect Cow but not a human being...Hinduism need a thorough shake up and rejuvenation and all pollutions like brahminism...casteism...hindutvas...sankaracharyas must be dumped in garbage and a neohinduism is the need of the hour.
Apastambha Dharma Sutra III, 10-26, says: The tongue of a Shudra, who spoke evil about a BRAHMIN should be cut off A Shudra who dared to assume a position of equality with the first three castes was to be flogged. If a Shudra overheard a recitation of the Vedas, molten tin was to be poured into his ears; if he repeated the Vedas his tongue should be cut and if he remembered Vedic hymns, his body was to be torn into pieces.
- From: :) Punnahai (@
on: Sat Nov 2 07:31:48
Dear Kamalini:
There's already a discussion on thsi topic here
- From: pardesi naiyeh (@
on: Sat Nov 2 17:17:45
- From: Reformer of Aryans. (@
on: Sat Nov 23 12:11:32
The VHP leader who said that must have been a muslim cleric/ ISI agent or a christian missionary/ CIA agent in disguise trying to discredit Hinduism. As we all know Hindu hearts overflow with love and kindness for the Dalits.
- From: Indian (@
on: Sat Nov 23 15:38:30
Manu smriti and dharma sutras are written by man and are not revelations of God.
The word of God is the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. Can anyone post from there about inequality in Hinduism?
- From: BAB (@
on: Sat Nov 23 17:02:26
Kamilini, these deaths have nothing to do with the value of one life over another. It is all about ignorance and poor self control in the name of religion. These people must be tried and put to death if found guilty for their behavior.
- From: BAB (@
on: Sun Nov 24 09:27:41
I am not sure as I have not read many of the so called scriptures of Hinduism and I am very proud of being a Hindu. My belief is that many of the so called scriptures were compiled much later, perhaps after Hinduism was already under the control by those who needed to control the Hindus.I stick to the Gita and the Ramayan as my scriptures. All others may have value for some but not for me. I believe I can be a true Hindu based only on the philosophy of duality and Hindu Dharma. It is time the Hindus consign some of it less desirable scriptures to the flame and declare only what is desirable.
- From: BAB (@
on: Sun Nov 24 09:29:03
Sorry, I meant to say non duality.
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