who will punish the british?

Topic started by darshan (@ on Thu Feb 27 05:30:22 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

bush, blair and co r out to punish saddam for possessing weapons of mass destructions and for suppression of democracy in iraq.
Now the key question is that it is the usa which posseses nuclear weapons since 1935 and have killed hundreds of thousand people in Japan.Is anyone going to punish the usa?.
People of british origin or british people are the true enemies of this world.The british have killed more that two hundred thousand people in India,they snathed away america from red indians and also made australia and new zealand their colonies which originally belonged to the gondas the native people of that region.They also looted africa to no extent.Who will punish them?
Sadly we indians inspite of knowing all this keep idolising the brits.We speak more english than our own languages.Monkies ape human beings but why should we indians ape the white monkeys?
Time has come to teach a lesson to these brits if all countries from africa and asia r united they can settle the accounts with britain


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