Bharata desam is a Maha Fun nasun
Topic started by Sensasunal Sense of Humor (@ on Fri Oct 5 02:01:05 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
It can only happen in India. Amdist serious debacles elsewhere in the world, in India we are seeing a Mock Jack (Mock Hijack)today. Way to go, India. Any situasuns like this we know of?
- From: sk (@
on: Fri Oct 5 10:48:19
Still I dont know what happenned can anybody explain exactly what happenned?
- From: not amused (@
on: Sat Oct 6 04:35:17
Yes, there is another situasun like this in Bharata Desam.
Ugly MUSLIM terrorists murder and kill 38 people in Srinagar recently. Like true Muslims, these 'warriors of Allah' are so brave, that they lob grenades in to innocent fleeing people.
Ugly Pakistan (actually Back-kiss-stan), first claims responsibility for it .... then, like any true good Muslim, lies and denies it.
Maha fun nation. I think we Indians should try spreading bit of this maha fun in to Back-kiss-stan.
If that is a problem, as Back-kiss-stan has murdered all it's minorities, while India has allowed the Back-kiss-stanis who remained in India to breed like germs, we can try spreading a bit of this fun on the ugly Back-kiss-stanis who are in India.
Maha fun for eveeryone then. LOL ;-/
- From: abc (@
on: Mon Oct 8 03:50:45
Whom do we blame for the misfortune of India. the anti- Hindu pseudo-secularist Nehru and his COngress or the millionnaire Missionaries or the belligerent Muslims or the half-literate Hindus who gets literacy in madrass and missionary schools ....
Jews have realised that they have suffered enough and have a Holocaust museum.... when will Hindus realise this? Not until India is a Hindu State and minorities are taught to respect Hindus( be it through force even). Shivaji's maratha empire was a Hindu State that practised true secularism.
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