Are Muslims bothered with anything other than Islam ?

Topic started by abc (@ on Mon Oct 8 03:35:39 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

When the West attacks Afghanistan, Muslims and Mullas view it as an assault on Islam. But when Afghanistan terrorises India,West, it is not an attack from Islam .... what double speak.
The Jama Masjid Mulla and the likes have supported Taliban inspite of the fact that taliban actively involve in JK terrorism. Why is it that Muslims remain silent when their brethren kill others but react when Muslims get killed. Why they never condemn their brethren for terrorism? Does Islam teach them to be so? Yes. There is something very seriously wrong with that religion which breeds terrorists and suppresses patriotism. The Mulla of jama masjid should have been shot to death under TADA for supporting Taliban. But our "secular" COngress lead by Sonia, Muslim lobby and Marxists and Missionaries would call it anti-minority act. Seems Minorities can get away doing anything in India.
Makes me think- would a Muslim be silent if one of his innumerous wives/daughters gets raped by a Muslim, just because the rapist is a Muslim. Guess would be Yes.
Govt of WB(runs by anti-Hindu Muslim-Marxist breed) has ordered that none of the Mahishasura idols should resemble Osama to maintain communal harmony. My question is
1)where is the Freedom of Speech which CPM tal;ked about regarding "Fire"?
2)Should Osama be viewed as a Muslim only and not as a terrorist? Then where does the statement that terrorists have no religion stand?


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