Tal-Mud comes from Tal-Mudra....

Topic started by INNIT FLAVOURED TAMACHA (@ on Thu Jan 15 09:52:56 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Talmud (Written Jewish teachings)

Tal-Mudra (Sacred Indian teachings written on palm leaves)

Tallit (Jewish prayer shawl)

Tal-Ata (Palmyra leaves worn on the shoulders as a raincoat)

Kippot (Skullcap worn by Orthodox Jews)

Kaparda (Hair top-knot once worn by the first ancestors of the Indo-Hebrews)

do we need more convincing that the jews are of indian origin?

Baal (Golden calf first worshiped by the Jews)

Balesar (Holy bull worshiped in India)

i like the way he TRIED to suggest that the JEWS first worshipped the cow........

Syria (Middle Eastern home of the ancient Jews)

Suriya (Mythical Indian territory)

Succoth (Place near Jordan and in Egypt)

Sukhothai (Ancient Indian and Thai kingdom)

Cabala (acceptance)

Cabul (acceptance)

The bible also states that Ishmael, son of Hagar, and his descendants lived in India. "...Ishmael breathed his last and died, and was gathered to his kin... They dwelt from Havilah (India), by Shur, which is close to Egypt, all the way to Asshur." (Genesis 25:17-18.) It is an interesting fact that the names of Isaac and Ishmael are derive from Sanskrit: (Hebrew) Ishaak = (Sanskrit) Ishakhu = "Friend of Shiva." (Hebrew) Ishmael = (Sanskrit) Ish-Mahal = "Great Shiva."

need i say more?

lets get this aryan invasion theory a final push over the edge as a united nation and put the past in the past.............

On which planet did the English march to Rome and give them Latin?

On which planet do grand-daughters give birth to their grand-mothers?

Nowhere, same with the so called ARYAN INVASION THEORY.....




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