Why are you(India) doing this against us?

Topic started by Thamizan (@ h92n1c1o254.bredband.skanova.com) on Thu Oct 24 15:26:25 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Situation in TamilEelam and Srilanka is very calm now. There will be peace. At the same time, I'm wondering what Indian Tamils are doing. Do they know that there are 3 millions Tamil people in TamilEelam? Do they know that we have lost over 60,000 tamil-lives?

We have suffered over 25 years in TamilEelam. Have fought against singala army. Everyone are claiming that we are 70-80 million tamil people all over the world. Most of them are living in Indian, about 60-70 million. Only 30 km from TamilEelam. Why haven't they helped us during the war? Is our Tamil lives so cheap to us or what?

We have defeated the enemy. Even the Indian so called IPKF (Indian people killing force). This sound so stupid, I mean. How can same people with same ideology forget or avoid their brothers?
During World War, the US helped Britain to avoid an invasion. Swedish people helped Finnish people during the war. But what have you Indian Tamil done to us?

Indian agents and Singala agents killed Rajiv-Gandi and accused tigers for it. They haven't got any proof. But still Indians are claiming that tigers killed him.

I saw in DeepamTV when Jeyalitha said " we must go into TamilEelams jungle and capture annan Pirabaharan, just like US is doing in afghan". You haven't changed very much.
That mad-woman have put Vaiko into jail and what are you Tamil people doing?

Indians Tamil betrayed us and is still betraying us. What should we do to change this? Can we do it or not? Will there be any revolution in India? Will Indians suffer as we suffered? Does Eelath-Tamil people have more tamil feeling than Indian so called Tamils?

Many of you Indian Tamils may thing... what IPKF did?

Here is something.. this happened for 10 years ago. The time doesn't matter... what they did to us is the point.

We saw Indian flight, bombers fly over our land. Saw hundreds of them. Helicopters, flights after flights. That reminded me about when Raman came to Lanka to kill Ravanan. Just like hanuman flow over our land, once against Indian flights were flowing to give us freedom. From flight they throw food. Everyone thought at least the peace is here. Soldiers after soldiers put their cleans booth on TamilEelam.

Slowly we started to realise that it wasn't Rama who have returned, it was Ravanan who have returned to destroy our land. Our land was in fire. Our sisters were raped by your Indian army. Our brothers were shot down by your Indian army. Our fathers were hung by your Indian army. Once again tigers took their weapon to defend my people.

What ever happen... my Eelath-tamil people will never forget it. Just like for 400 years ago, the Portuguese massacred us. After 400 years we were massacred by our so called brothers.

Many of you may claim... "Tigers killed Rajiv-gandi" as usual. But even if there were tigers who killed Rajiv-Gandi.... it was nothing against what you did to us.

Even today you are betraying us. You could at least help with our peace-talk. But you denied... why?

Why are you doing this against us?

/// Thamizan \\\


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