Salil Chowdhury - Music Director

Topic started by Gautam Choudhury (@ on Fri Sep 14 04:43:02 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I don't know how many of you like Salil Chowdhury's music. The talented music director from Bengal had composed music not only for over 70 Hindi Films, 40 Bengali Films, 25 Malayalam films but also for Tamil (4), Telugu(1),Kannada(4) and some Assameese,Oriye,Gujrati and Marathi Films.
As an admirer and collector of his music I am desparately looking for the songs of his only Telugu Film called 'Kokila' (1985). I think there are at least two songs and the actor was Mohan, later known as 'Kokila Mohan'.
Any help will be very much appreciated.



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