Quality of Malayalam movies

Topic started by Aku (@ on Tue Oct 28 05:53:38 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

If you compare the way tamil films are made nowadays to the malayalam ones, you will see the tamilians have gone way ahead of the malayalees. Technically they are no.1 in the whole India (this is my personal opinion). The musicians and technicians are also incomparable to the malayalee counterparts. I am not saying that malayalam movies are bad in any way (pls don't misunderstand the intension of his thread). We have great actors, technicians and of course, other potentials. But why aren't there that many remakes of malayalam movies? I do reckon that some of the action movies were dubbed to some other south indian landuages sometime back. But we still have't achieved the fame that our neighbours have. What dou do think the reason for this could be? Pls post your valuable comments.


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