Topic started by manolis (@ user-1120pr2.dsl.mindspring.com) on Sun Jun 29 07:29:11 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
i am new to this...
i got a really nice tambura. i was told that to get the sound i am looking for i have to put a piece of cotton beneath the string at the bridge. can anyone help me by elaborating on this?
- From: balakrishnan (@ adsl-67-115-105-235.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net)
on: Sun Jun 29 15:38:10 EDT 2003
yes. it is a nice question. eventhogh veena balachandar explained abt this in chennai DD when it was telecasting in b/w some 25 yrs bk during one of his progms reg carnatic music and musical instruments, yet it appears to b a mystery. very eager to know more abt this thru this forum.
- From: Nick (@ mridangam.demon.co.uk)
on: Tue Jul 1 06:05:45 EDT 2003
It is simply that the cotton or silk makes a small gap between the string and the bridge, so that the string when vibrating, will vibrate against the flat bridge, giving a different quality to the vibration and louder sound.
Most tamburas I have seen use this device. I guess it must be necessary to experiment quite a lot (or have experience) to find the right thickness and position for the thread.
- From: Nick (@ mridangam.demon.co.uk)
on: Mon Jul 7 19:26:24 EDT 2003
Only after that post did I realise that this is why the correct way to pluck a tambura string is towards the body of the instrument, not parallel to it (eg like guitar). This makes the string vibrate perpendicular to the bridge, thus vibrating against it. This vibration is increased by the cotton.
I guess my 'revelation' is probably totally obvious to everyone else!-)
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