Past into Music History: Sangeetha Kalanidhi KVN

Topic started by Rohan (@ on Mon Apr 1 12:40:50 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

April 1st, 2001, Sangeetha Kalanidhi KVN passes away. Many of you may have heard his music and would realize what an enormous loss to carnait music this personality is. I have had many personal occasions in which I met KVN sir. One that remains in my mind is when I accompanied his wife Padma mami two years ago during the Cleveland Aradhana. I went to his room to practice with Padma mami, and once he heard me play, he simply adored me. He asked me if I would play Misra Chapu since the likes that thalam very much. I fulfilled the request obligingly.

May his soul rest in peace.


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