Raag Query
Topic started by Darsana (@ on Tue Oct 14 04:22:26 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Could anyone explain me the ragas Paalini and Vasanthi. I wanted to know the lakshanam, melakartha and whether there there are different versions (like hindustani & carnatic) etc.
Thanks and Regards,
- From: Darsana (@
on: Wed Oct 15 02:37:56 EDT 2003
Let me add Bhoopalam also here. I had learnt Bhoopalam as 15th mela janyam. But later I noticed that most of the people defines it as 8th mela janyam. In the ragamalika 'Pannagendrasayana' (Swathithirunal)the part in Bhoopalam is defined as 15th mela janyam. (Most of the books defines 15th Mela jnya ragam with same lakshanam as revagupthi).
Why do we have different lakshanas defined for same raga ?
- From: sowmya (@ ip68-3-250-182.ph.ph.cox.net)
on: Tue Oct 28 13:42:34 EST 2003
Hi darsana
To my knowledge Bhoopalam is a janya of 8th melakartha hanumathodi, while revagupti is a janya of 15th melakartha mayamalavagowla. Both have the lakshana: SRGPDS and SDPGRS but differ in the gandhara. As for vasanti, it is a janya of 27the melakartha sarasaangi and has the lakshanam as follows:
Aa: S R2 G3 P D1 S
Av: S D1 P G3 R2 S
I do not know about Paalini or is it Paavani that you mean?
hope this helps
- From: PPN (@ n098h210.remote.mun.ca)
on: Tue Oct 28 16:24:10 EST 2003
pAlini is a janyam of mElam vakulAbharaNam. Nityashri sings a composition "kapAlini" in pAalini, composed by her mother lalitha Shivakumar. In this song, the rAga mudra "pAlini" is featured in the pallavi, anupallavi, and caraNam lines in three different ways.
(source - announcement by Nirtyashri in her concert).
- From: Lakshman (@ kit-max1-34.4.porchlight.ca)
on: Tue Oct 28 18:15:28 EST 2003
The notes for pAlini are: SRGPNS/SNPGRS (Mahadevan) or SRGDNS/SNDGRS (Nadamuni Panditar).
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