Nis Din Barsat
Topic started by Sampath (@ on Tue Feb 4 23:54:15 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I'm looking for the lyrics to a Surdas Bhajan called Nis Din Barsat Nain Hamaare sung by Lata Mangeshkar and composed by Hridaynath Mangeshkar in the 1950's. I have the original song but some of the words are hard to make out. There was a version rendered by Saigal from the movie Bhakta Surdas, but the lyrics were written by D.N. Madhok, not Surdas. Can anyone help me out?
- From: Kishor Shah (@ )
on: Tue Apr 13 12:51:07
You can find the lyrics at the following url:
If you don't have xdvng fonts, you'll need to get that since the bhajan is in Devnagari script.
I have not heard the song, but you sure have raised my curiosity.
- From: Lakshman (@
on: Tue Apr 13 13:54:17 EDT 2004
nis din barasat nain hamArE
sadA rahat pAvas rutu ham par jabtE syAm sidhArE
anjan thir na rahat akhiyan mEn kar kapOl bhayE kArE
kancuki paT sUkhat nahi kab hUn ur bic bahati panArE
AsU salil bhayE pag thAkE bahain jAt sit tArE
sUrdAs ab Dubat mEn vraj kAhO na lEt ubArE
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