Prediction of Nostradamus and the Attack on America
Topic started by Indian (@ on Wed Sep 12 10:28:27 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Are you people familiar with Nostradamus?
This is a quote from one of his predictions:
"In the year of the new century and nine months,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror...
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great new city..."
2001 is the first year of the new century and this is the 9th month.
New York is located at the 41st degree Latitude.
He also said that this will be the third World War and it would be bigger than the last two wars. I hope he is wrong (hope so too!), but judging from his predictions of Hitler, Napoleon, and Pearl'll never
- Old responses
- From: Madurai Veeran (@
on: Sun Sep 30 12:15:15
I accidentally came across this very informative link on Nostradamus. It is very enlightening..
- From: Fat Tony (@
on: Mon Oct 1 09:46:31
Here is something really strange:
Did you know that a flight number from one of the planes
that hit one of the
two towers was Q33NY
copy that flight number into MS Word
Enlarge the font size to 26
Change the font to Wingdings
- From: Tamil Babe (@
on: Mon Oct 1 15:01:53
Already heard about the Q33NY thing. Isn't the star, the Star of David? Isn't that the symbol of Judaism? What does that have to do with the WTC tragedy?
- From: mutzi (@
on: Mon Oct 1 15:26:04
Fat Tony and Tamil Babe; go here, make sure u read page two near the bottom.
- From: please tell-fear (@
on: Mon Oct 1 22:13:00
ok okay, will the world end? what will happen next please tell. when will the WW3 take place and what are the countries will be involved and which country will be victimised?
- From: Tamil Babe (@
on: Mon Oct 1 22:20:23
Anyone read the book Moby D*ck? Do you remember the first chapter?
Could it be possible that Herman Melville (the author of Moby D*ck) is much better than Nostradamus? His words are not vague or general. Check it out...
Hint: Read the second paragraph of the quote posted below..
"And, doubtless, my going on this whaling voyage, formed part of the grand programme of Providence that was drawn up a long time ago. It came in as a sort of brief interlude and solo between more extensive performances. I take it that this part of the bill must have run something like this:
"Grand Contested Election for the Presidency of the United States.
Though I cannot tell why it was exactly that those stage managers, the Fates, put me down for this shabby part of a whaling voyage, when others were set down for magnificent parts in high tragedies, and short and easy parts in genteel comedies, and jolly parts in farces- though I cannot tell why this was exactly; yet, now that I recall all the circumstances, I think I can see a little into the springs and motives which being cunningly presented to me under various disguises, induced me to set about performing the part I did, besides cajoling me into the delusion that it was a choice resulting from my own unbiased freewill and discriminating judgment. "
P.S. - can't believe this site won't let me post the word "d*ck". It is the title of a book!!
- From: pErAciriyar (@
on: Tue Oct 2 01:10:29
Nostradamus prophecies:
Chapter 7: Verse 5:
South of the snowy
Mountains north of the drop
On Water land of ancient tongue in
Thousand times two with
One where Queen is an elephant
Chapter 7 Verse 6:
When elephant is a dictator Law
And order under the four
Queen is not supreme and the throne
Is not for the elephant
These verses are amazing. Knocked my smelly socks off. Nostradamus predicted this about 500 years ago.
This is what the verses mean.
South of the snowy mountains - South of the Himalayas, of course
North of the drop on water - drop ON water?... Take a guess... That's correct, it is Srilanka
Land of ancient tongue - It is Tamilnadu silly
in Thousand times two with one - This one is tricky. What is thousand times two plus one? It means "in the year two thousand and one". Pretty good uh?
where Queen is an elephant - Did you guess it? Yeah, Queen is the CM. Elephant is... that is right, you got it. (Good one Nostradamus!)
When elephant is a dictator - well, that is obvious
Law and order under the four - It means law and order being crushed (like under the Four legs of an elephant... Oh man, this guy is good!)
Queen is not supreme - Take note, the word Nostradamus used is "supreme", and who declared the process unconstitutional? "Supreme" Court. Got it? Is this Nostradamus guy awesome or what?
Throne is not for the elephant - Means the Queen will be kicked out from her office. Nostradamus could have said "Throne is not for the Queen", but he said "for the elephant"? Do you know why? Duh!!! Look at how the previous verse ends. It ends with the word "elephant". Therefore this verse should also end with the same word... dumbo!
- From: TB (@
on: Tue Oct 2 14:40:03
LOL... Well I *think* you are right peraciriyar... HA HA HA.. Good job interpreting that!
- From: pErAciriyar (@
on: Tue Oct 2 23:46:12
Thank you TB.
- From: Clarity (@
on: Sun Oct 7 10:27:46
Hi Guys....just be sure what you read and hear is authentic before you pass it on.... Just follow this link to learn what Nostradamus did predict.
( Trust me this site is great )
Or just read the relevant passsage from the site:
"How Nostradamus Works
by Tom Harris
Tell a friend about this article!
Introduction to How Nostradamus Works
Who Was Nostradamus?
His Work
September 11, 2001
Lots More Information!
September 11, 2001
Following the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, there has been a renewed interest in Nostradamus and his prophecies.
Photo courtesy Wayne Lorentz: Glass, Steel & Stone
According to some believers, Nostradamus foresaw the city of New York and the attack that destroyed the World Trade Center towers. In several quatrains, he describes "the new city," often suggesting an attack on it. He also refers to "hollow mountains," which many believe to indicate skyscrapers.
A lot of this interest has been fueled by a series of e-mail messages. One anonymous message, widely circulated in the United States, claims that Nostradamus foretold the destruction in some detail. The message included this quatrain:
In the City of God there will be a great thunder,
Two Brothers torn apart by Chaos,
While the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb.
The third big war will begin when the big city is burning.
Ostensibly, the "two brothers" refers to the twin towers, the "fortress" refers to the Pentagon, the "great leader" refers to President Bush and "the big city" refers to New York. In fact, this quatrain is not the work of Nostradamus -- it is a complete fabrication.
According to, an urban legend information site, the first three lines were taken from an essay written a few years ago by Neil Marshall, then a student at Brock University in Canada. Supposedly, Marshall included the lines in the essay to demonstrate how Nostradamus pieced together general, vague images that could fit with a wide range of events. Apparently, someone picked up the verses from the Web, added an extra line and distributed the quatrain over the Internet. If these lines were written a few years ago, Nostradamus critics say, they support the case that Nostradamus had no special talent -- any vague prediction, even by a disbeliever like Marshall, has a good chance of connecting with later events.
Several other Nostradamus-related e-mail messages followed. One described "metal birds" crashing into "two tall statues," an image that does not show up anywhere in "The Centuries". Others referred to "the city of York," another invention meant to sound like Nostradamus. One widespread message includes these lines:
In the year of the new century and nine months,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror.
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great new city.
While this quatrain, as such, is not the work of Nostradamus, it does include some of his verses. It is an adaptation of two different quatrains:
Century 10, Quatrain 72:
The year 1999 seven months
From the sky will come the great King of Terror.
To resuscitate the great king of the Mongols.
Before and after, Mars reigns by good luck.
Century 6, Quatrain 97:
At forty-five degrees the sky will burn,
Fire to approach the great new city:
In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up,
When one will want to demand proof of the Normans.
Many Nostradamus followers believe that both Quatrains refer to the attack on the World Trade Center. The references to fire and terror from the sky fits with the aerial attack, they argue, and New York city is around 40° 5' N latitude (relatively close to "forty-five" degrees). The date is also not far off. Additionally, several other quatrains refer to an antichrist figure called "Mabus," who supposedly will start a world war. The letters in Mabus can be rearranged to spell Usam B, leading some to believe Nostradamus saw the coming of Usama bin Laden.
Skeptics suggest that believers are paying attention only to the pieces that fit, and ignoring the parts that do not ("the great king of the Mongols," for example). Additionally, they argue that "the great new city" is a skewed translation of Nostradamus' lines. In the original French, Nostradamus referred to "Villeneuve," which literally means "new city," but is also the name of a town outside of Paris, near 45 degrees latitude. Critics credit the similarity of Mabus and Usama bin Laden to coincidence, noting that up until recently, many Nostradamus followers claimed Saddam Hussein was Mabus (Mabus spelled backward is Subam).
Despite these critics' arguments, Nostradamus is more popular than ever. In the wake of the September 11 attack, Nostradamus books climbed to the top of's sales list, and shot off bookstore shelves all around the country. In such an uncertain time, it's understandable that people would look to Nostradamus and other prophets -- when people have no idea what to expect in the years ahead, they may look for answers wherever they can find them.
For more information on Nostradamus, his prophecies, his followers and his critics, check out the links on the next page.
Log on to the site for the next page with real details.
Hope this will end the fuss....OK?
- From: TB (@
on: Sun Oct 7 19:27:23
"Hope this will end the fuss....OK? "
Such messages like what you posted have already been posted by me and many others before. Check on previous messages before blurting out anything about "fuss" etc.
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