New Year REsolutions
Topic started by mmc (@ on Tue Dec 24 22:57:51 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
What are the new year resolutions this time? For me, in the coming New Year i have decided to make these come true(let us keep unacievable targets ,anyhow i am not going to keep the reolves for long!):
1.Making peace with Punnakai(oops sorry..hai).
2.Accepting Cp.Rev.Immanuel as Dr.Immanuel and decent fellow who thinks sane(following the footsteps of our r.s.s(i mean resident smileys).
3.Not getting provoked by our resident teravadicster and calling monks as simply monks( saw that others too started calling them with the 'sters'...already my 5m term has been pirated and has become popular in yahoo groups too! no more new terms!!).
4.Start writing some serious write-ups in FH (acceding to the requests made by some protestant FHrs to bring out the atrocities made by the Roman Catholic Church with references which can be independently verified by those who smile!).
Hehe....all FHrs can write on their new year resolves(need not necessarily be of this type ..but some serious things too!).
~peace loving(in 2003) cholan~
- From: Ramadas (@
on: Wed Dec 25 01:23:27
5. to find out what are the three crowns (mudis) of mummudi cholan
- From: Ramadas (@
on: Wed Dec 25 07:34:18
I will try to figure out why I really need 9 e-mail addresses.
I will stop sending e-mail to my spouse.
I resolve to work with neglected children -- my own.
I will answer my snail mail with the same enthusiasm with which I answer my e-mail.
I will stop sending e-mail, ICQ, Instant Messages and be on the phone at the same time with the same person.
I resolve to back up my 12GB hard drive daily ... well, once a week ... okay, monthly then ... or maybe ...
I will spend less than one hour a day on the Internet. This, of course, will be hard to estimate since I'm not a clock watcher.
When I hear. "Where do you want to go today?". I will not reply "MS Tech Support."
When I hear a funny joke I will not reply, "LOL ... LOL!"
I will read the manual ... just as soon as I can find it.
I will think of a password other than "password."
I will stop checking my e-mail at 3:00 in the morning ... 4:30 is much more practical.
I resolve ... I resolve to ... I resolve to, uh. .. I resolve to, uh, get my, er ... I resolve to, uh, get my, er, off-line work done, too!
- From: stg (@
on: Wed Dec 25 08:13:57
resolve to never make another resolution
- From: Shakthi (@
on: Wed Dec 25 11:53:31
1. Resolve to keep track of expenses. Make a register and wanna watch where exactly money goes!!! (Dont tell me internet ..oh plzzz)
2. Try not to chat late night with my friends
3. Join courses (which are long due)
4. Not to loose patience with my near and dear ones.
5. Wait patiently to make my daughter join some
play home and NOT to hurry her in creches
6. Never loose temper along with my husband. (let him first cool down...then I shall start...else u see, nobody hears who is shouting what!)
7. Limit internet and chat friendship to 5 new person per month
8. Spend more time in japa, meditation and chinmaya mission. (balvihar classes for my 2 year old daughter)
- From: karthikdevan (@
on: Fri Dec 27 01:38:53
Good to hear the resolutions of Shakti.I have also made these resolutions:
1.Writing down the expenses everyday and keeping track and control over it.
2.Stop drinking Tea altogether( I dont like coffee and this way i can circumvent the resolutions at times of necessity).
3.Joining courses.
4.Visiting FH, only during weekends.If possible, altogether stop visiting FH(last year i decided to stop chatting and i have been successful in that,it saved a lot of time and made me concentrate on other useful work - sleeping!:) ).
5.Japa,meditation etc are necessary only for mortals.Pradheep tells that we are beyond that.So why to waste time?:) (just kidding).
- From: fridge (@
on: Fri Dec 27 02:54:25
1. Quit a bad habbit.
2. Become friends with a Telephone and Phone the members of my emediate at least once a week.
3. I will Phone my mother at least 2 times a week.
5. Study fewer courses and save my vacation time for holidays instead of exams, exams, exams......
6. I will cook more.
7. Work on my pyjama addiction, I am addicted to buying pyjama's.
- From: Ayutkaiti (@
on: Fri Dec 27 08:49:38
Hope I’ll have a year of more zeal and less fiascos…..more praises, less scolding…..more sweets dreams, less nightmares…..
- From: Skanthavelu Nadarajah (@
on: Fri Dec 27 19:54:56
I will strive to become fluent in Tamil language.
I will find an apartment a short distance from my temple in Edmonton and in turn find a workplace, post office, bank, hospital etc a short distance away from my apartment.
I will learm more about Sri Lankan culture.
- From: Skanthavelu Nadarajah (@
on: Fri Dec 27 19:57:25
>> I will strive to become fluent in Tamil language. <<
I will strive to become fluent in both the Sinhala language and Tamil language.
- From: Skanthavelu Nadarajah (@
on: Fri Dec 27 21:50:41
An appeal to all FH-ers:
If any of you notice a thread that is bashing/criticizing a fellow FH-er and you notice that it has been there for sometime, please get in contact with the FH administrator in that regard and have that thread deleted. nanRi!
Skanthavelu "Peace on FH" Nadarajah
- From: Aruvaal (@
on: Sat Dec 28 07:16:52
My new year resolution is to trash and thrash every hindu-basher and tamil-basher regardless of who he or she is.
- From: Skanthavelu Nadarajah (@
on: Sat Dec 28 09:54:31
That is a great resolution. If I ever see a photo of Pat Robertson, the biggest Hindu hater/basher and sworn enemy of Hinduism or any Hindu basher, I will spit on their picture.
- From: Ramadas (@
on: Sat Dec 28 14:39:08
Do not get too emotional! What you call as Hinduism (Sanaatana Dharma to be exact) does not need any protectors like you, let alone the guys calling themselves Hindudta-vaadhis. (This is one of the problems in India itslef!).There is a time when all religions should come to an end and the entire humanity slowly transcend them and travel to higher realms of evolution!
- From: Ramadas (@
on: Sat Dec 28 14:40:38
sorry.. read it as Hindutwa-vaadhis
- From: Skanthavelu Nadarajah (@
on: Sat Dec 28 15:12:12
Sorry, Ramadas. A true Hindu would not let what ruffians like Pat Robertson say. Actually, when I said that about spitting on Pat Robrtsons photo, I meant as an expression of my contempt/discust towards that Evangelical bigot and the crap he spreads on Hindus/Hinduism. Not only does he bash Hindus, he makes other Christians/Christianity look bad.
2 better resolutions:
1) Not let what crap is said on the Internet/in the media about Hindus/Hinduism(ie: Hinduism is satanic, Hindus will fall into an awful Hell of pain/suffering and darkness) upset me, as that is all obviously a bunch of baseless crap made up by some xenophobic bigot.
2) I really should not mention about Pat Robertson on this forum as there are so many Hindus whose sentiments were hurt by him and I am probably hurting my fellow Hindus more by mentioning that man. :( Sorry my fellow Hindus. :(
Jai Sanatan Dharma.
- From: Skanthavelu Nadarajah (@
on: Sat Dec 28 17:44:51
I will make my every weekend/evening when I am in Edmonton full of religious worship(going to the temple/worship at home) and fun(going to the temple, visiting/phoning friends, going to movies/Sri Lankan cultural functions, shopping, meeting new friends etc..)
Also, I will do spell check on my postings before I just post them.
- From: Skanthavelu Nadarajah (@
on: Mon Dec 30 00:09:06
I will not make jokes on the Name of Amma who I worship/revere and shower with bhakthi and who in return blesses/loves/forgives me. Jai Karunamayi!
- From: X (@
on: Thu Jan 2 06:44:30
I would like to be more kind and understanding
of others, than I was, in the last year!
- From: Skanthavelu Nadarajah (@
on: Fri Jan 3 08:56:55
Learn how to control my temper/how angry I get, not react to people who tease me/pester me just to get a rise out of me. (I need to really work on this before I start thinking about having a Tamil woman as my girlfriend/eventually my wife.)
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